I'm actually really missing Cheltenham at the moment. Manchester doesn't feel like home just yet but I'm hoping that will change the longer we're here, and more importantly when I have a job I actually see a future in. At the moment I kind of feel that there's no reason for me to be here especially with Jack working away. I just think I'm a grass is always greener kind of person which isn't the best way to live - I need to work on that!
A return to the BBC is just me keeping my options open. I don't really mind which area as long as I'm not doing productions!
Cheltenham is great over raceweek and absolutely full to the brim with the Irish!

I've not actually been to the races over Gold Cup as I'm normally had to work during it. I was actually hoping to be in Cheltenham this week but I got offered this job which is good and bad. Good because of money, and bad because it's an incredibly boring data entry job. It's meant to be for a month but I don't think I'm going to last that long. Fingers crossed something else comes up!