Another 9.30-5 shift :-/ I've lost the meaning of weekend! It's pants, bf is working today too, i can't carry on like this, it's crappy! Those 9 applications better get back to me lol even if it's just one of those!
I can re-apply for my pgce 8th October, so I deffo will be doing,
On another note, I'm getting a tattoo, I've had a design I've liked for about a year now, so I'm certain I'll like it lol
I want this, somewhere on me, but I want a little twig in the birdie's mouth in the shape of a J for Josh
He said to me last night your mad, I said why! Lol 'we're gonna be together forever arnt we' he said 'yeh, I guess so' haha and smiled lol either way whatever, I woul like it

in my mind he's the one, and even if things were to take a downward spiral, he's been a big part of my life haha
Atleast it's not his full name lol I could probably get someone to cover it up haha x
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