Yeh, let's hope!
It's just come at a bad time to have something wrong with me lol I worry at the slightest thing,
I've got my qts skills test in two weeks and I really really need to concentrate on this, plus my first assignment for my PGCE but if I don't pass the skills test that's me not on the course :-/
I should be excited and really genuinely happy but I'm so not at the mo because I'm worrying :-/
Also my boss has rota'd me in for a lot of hours which is tying me down, 9 hour shifts everyday plus revision, plus keeping on top of the house and dog and then worrying there's something wrong with me, and keeping a check on my diet, heads gonna explode argh lol
I think I'll ask to be put on just 20 hours per week for the next two weeks, get my revision in and then hopefully pass this test so I can relax
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