Fat birds can't fly

3lbs off this week,
Woo !
Yay you!!!

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11 days left in school :-D
Just making a syn free lemon cake ;-) long ass method for cooking it, I hope it turns out ok x
Good luck, I suck at baking!!!

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10 days of PGCE left! Fml better go quick now x
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7 more get ups for me, next week mon - fri and thurs and fri this week!

My tutors visit is on Monday, I am bricking it haha my final ever grade!

I'm almost in the 14's down from the 16's oh I am happy!
But I've had two slips this week, and I'm paying for it now because my gut is aching :-/ I ate a lot of chocolate last night, 1/2 pizza, cider and some chicken goujons lol

I feel sick still now!

I have, I am glad to say, passed my PGCE, i just need it all signing off on Monday, so happy!
Gonna celebrate properly on the 4th with a little get together at my house,

I have 5 official days left teaching, just tidying up loose ends and saying my goodbyes lol been a long LONG horrendous at times, tiring, exhausting, stressful, not enjoyable in the slightest year lol x
I feel so sick!
I celebrated this weekend, which meant I ate off plan for the best part of it and now I feel crap because of it :-/

I'm joining the gym for the next 3 weeks tomorrow, gonna go after school to try and get a loss on Wednesday! Probably won't lol I'd be happy with a stayed the same tbh :-/

Feel so sluggish! Like I need my stomach pumping haha

Congrats on the pgce, well done you!!! Are you looking for a teaching position or have you hated it that much that you never want to teach again??? Xxx

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Now that I have my grades I feel a little more confident, but it's a bloomin hard job :-/ I don't know if I can hack it haha x
Top tier of my mums wedding cake for Saturday, this one is a fruit cake so I'm making it in advance :)

I have two more tiers to make, and a grooms cake plus 50 cupcakes :-/ friggin hell lol



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Wow, a teacher with cake making talent... what a gem!!!

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Finished that top layer now, just 3 more huge cakes to go and 50 cupcakes :-/ fml! I always take too much on!

Has chinese last night to celebrate my PGCE success, I now feel as sick as a dog lol x
Just popping in to say congrats on your pgce :) I've been teaching secondary 4 years now and I love it....far more than my pace year. But it is flipping hard work (none of this 9-3 business!!!). Get yourself a post in a school you like - makes all the difference -and through the nqt year so that evrn if you don't stay in teaching now you have the opportunity to come back :)

Well done and good luck, fab cakes!
Aw thank you!
I just applied to two schools, fingers crossed,

I had a morning just me and my kids today, really enjoyed working with them, they have got me some lovely gifts, brilliant bunch of kids! We had a party watching frozen and Lego movie haha loads of cakes chocolates etc Brill!

Gonna miss these guys, I think they have a surprise for me in assembly, I'm gonna cry! Haha

Two weeks until Florida :) My mums wedding cake I made lol X

I hadn't properly aligned this so that's why there is a wonky pillar haha


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Amaze balls, you're so clever!!!

What are the schools like that you've applied for?

The kids I work with are generally self centred and have not been taught how to be gracious, so if ever they do anything nice I always cry like a baby!!!

Enjoy your final assembly. Xxx

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At this particular placement the children are from a general poorer area, they are very street wise and know a lot,

They really appreciate the littlest of things you do for them, very smart kids too!
We had a party on Friday and they all brought loads of food in, it was lovely,

My gifts and cards off them, really sweet :) gonna miss them!

The schools I have applied to are very small,

One of them is a special school as I want more experience working in this setting x


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