Silver Member
Only 29 days till your bit hot stuff home woop woop. Bet you cant wait xxx
Ooooo I'm going ice skating tomorrow dead excited xxx
Hi Elm
Big thumbs up for your exercice. You are great at keeping at it.
I had a bit of a binge day yesterday too (almost 3000 calories worth) but like Lilliaimee said to me, we are only human and are bound to have off days. I'm like you - just take each day as it comes. We have to treat ourselves every now and then.
How is everything with the boyfriend? I was supposed to see my new fella last night but told him I had to work late as I was having a down day and just wanted to be on my own. I'm better today though so seeing him tomorow. I'm going for a meal tomorow night with the girls from work then he is picking me up after.
Are you up to much this weekend? xxx