hope your day is still going well
when is your next weigh in
please dont take the calories the bike said as a given those readouts are know to over estimate and we dont know what your real weight is at the moment-so that makes it harder to program as you will need to disregard the baby weight
but apart from that have a lovely day perhaps some beach walking would be nice todayI dont know how far from the beach you are though
Can't believe your exercising so much still!!! Due date must be so soon!!!! X
Hey b, I'm loving the Pilates but I can see it all going out the window when bub gets here.
Due date is 9 days away not that I'm counting lolxx how are you all x
The countdown is on!!!
We're all good, babyB has been resisting his morning nap which he used to take really easily!! Hubby just walking him down to his mums so hopefully he'll sleep on the way... How's Imi? X