Gold Member
Yes, much harder this time. Although Daniel is quite a chilled baby, it's having my other son around too that makes it harder. Taking him to school, getting him ready, bathing them both etc etc. I had a c-section too which didnt help! It is getting easier as the weeks go on so hopefully it will for you too. Daniel woke up at 4.30 thismorning though so today has been a struggle! How old is your other little one?
I have actually found that eating better this week has given me loads more energy. I think getting rid of the rubbish I was eating has really helped, although, it's hard not to give into the cravings still. I lost 6 lbs this week though so I'm still quite motivated.
I'm mainly bottle feeding but still trying breast too. I don't produce enough milk so he feeds for about 5 mins each side then wants a bottle. Burns off a few extra calories though?how about you?
Imogen was 2 on 4th jan
The theory is breast feeding burns calories but who knows eh? I'm managing to feed her at the moment and I've pumped a small freezer supply so doing well for now.
How did you cope after c sec? Is your oh on good hours at work? X