Busy busy busy!!
So pleased you had such a great time - Prague sounds wonderful!! Not so good on the personal stuff - hope that all pans out ok for you and flippin well done on not taking solace in the biccy barrel!!! (I broke mine by accident some months ago and am dead glad I didn't replace it!).
Would love to see the photos - it sounds like a lovely time for you and your man
Will have to find out how to add photos - enjoyed looking at your Pompey ones.
Troubles ........ mmmmm where do I start?? Well here's number 1 ....
My step-daughter to be is 9 going on 15 when she wants to be and no-where near 3 when she doesn't! Some on here know we (Phil and I) have had problems with her ... and her mum for awhile. She came to us on Boxing Day - but only to get her presents from her dads side of the family and would not stay overnight at our house. She is allowed to do as she pleases at home (and that's down to her mother ... not interfering) but in our house we have our rules - which don't go down with DSD and his ex ........ so upshot is now she won't come to stay or visit. Whilst I can't stand bossy little madams (I'm with you on that one Jenni!) she is my OH's daughter and I know he loves her and wants to see her. We started going down the "you take her out for the day on your own" route - but as he pointed out I'm part of his life - I have to put up with her/she has to put up with me .... and he doesn't want to give into her yet again and let her think she can have this all her own way. It is not like I'm evil or bad to her .... quite the opposite I'm told by friends and his mother. But she has decided to dislike me - and make life unhappy for him and her. So anyway it is Phil's birthday and I'm arranging a surprise (sssshhhhh don't tell him!) meal with about 25/30 friends and family in one of my friends restaurants. I have emailed DSD to ask her if she wants to come and stay overnight?? if she wants to come and go home that night?? or if she doesn't want to come at all?? Not heard a thing - and feel so hurt for him. Don't know what else to do .... copied her mother in on the email too - and guess she is behind the no communication. Don't know what I have done to make her dislike me .... I have brought 3 children of my own up on my own - so empathise with her and try to support her views and explain to my OH what it is like to be a single mum. Have childminded kids for years - and my kids friends love coming and staying overnight, so I'm not an ogre ....
Any ideas of where I go from here????!!!
Next problem later ........... you can only take so much angst from me!!!