5 days ago I was 13.5 ........... and I'm still 13.5 - totally my own fault - no excuses.
I was brilliant when I went shopping in Manchester with my daughter - took along bar and tetra, evening out - no problem, water and coffee ....... but my OH and DS had an indian on thursday night. And so I thought I'd adapt my SS and do 790 by having some tandori chicken and green salad. No problem ... except I then had to cheat and put the raita mint dip over the salad .... then eat the relish of chopped up cue, tomatoes, onion with mango dip mixed in. That in itself would have been ok ... and I might have been alright - but of course I'd come out of ketosis ....... so Friday, Saturday, Sunday and yesterday ... I picked at food. Nothing really bad - but pasta with chicken, etc and so today when I stood on the scales they remained the same. I suppose I can count myself lucky I didnot do more damage and end up putting on weight but I am cross with myself. Still today is another day ..... so back on my water and about to have my hot banana shake. Won't be down in the 12's by the time we go away to Prague at the weekend - but hey ho! I know I am going to eat whilst away ..... not even going to try and talk myself out of it (should know better, I know) so hoping the swimming, walking around Prague and any other physical activity we get up to burns up more calories than I consume!