Hi Beverley
Just to say hope tomorrow will be a better day for you - in every respect![]()
Take care
So thanks Mich for asking ... and glad to see you are being strong - well done! but I've failed again today.![]()
You haven't failed until you give up, and even under the trying circumstances you aren't giving up. {{{HUGZ}}}
Oh hun, i hope tomorrow is a better day for you and your family...
Posted by Flirty:
Might just be doing that Claire! - so far so good with the diet.
You make sure you do. It usually helps when there are people who arent in the situation themselves offering support. That way we dont get completely obsessed about how we feel about it and forget about how you feel about it. Sorry to hear about your brothers relationship. Things are tough at the moment for you.
Your a strong Lady and a Star!
Hi Beverley!
Well done on the pound loss - you can't have ate that much choc now could you...lol![]()
Hope today is going a bit easier for you and your family and that your mum's health improves now she's got better medication. Today means too that your brother is another day closer to coming home to his loved ones too....
Hope your doing OK. Take care
Hope today's been OK Beverley - I've managed to get to the end of day 2 100% - bit headachey but impressed with myself especially as I've been on my own all day for 2 days (kids all at school) - normally when I eat cos I can't be seen![]()
Speak tomorrow.