Busy busy busy!!
You are so not a ditherer so take that back!! You are really encouraging to others on here and we will be here to support you (well I know I will and think the others will).
As for finding out things were too tight. At least you didnt lie to yourself and say 'all those clothes must of shrunk in the wash, fancy that'!! No Flirty kicked her proverbial ass and made the best choice for her now that new information had come to light.
So your doing the 790, So What, at least you can eat on it and at least it cuts out the tempting things that you thought may have been your downfall!!
I think that you have done brill so far and you have done brill in this decision. Im there right with you girl!!!
Oh bless Claire - thank you ... why do your posts always make me weepy???!!!! In a nice way!!
Laughed at the shrunk in wash comment - as that's exactly what my OH reckons has happened to his trousers and shirts!! Mmmmmm strange my daughter and son are not having the same problem with their clothes! Must be a selective washing machine!!!!