Food diary - mainly red days

Monday 2nd September

King prawn omelette
Milk in drinks (A1)

Whlml roll (B1) ham, LCL (A2)

Baked salmon & Cajun BNS wedges

Dairy milk (5)
Space raiders (3.5)
Kinder bar (6)

Syns - 14.5, A - 2, B - 1

Weetabix (B1) milk (A1)

Whlml roll (B1) LCL (A2) ham
Yoghurt, sliced roast chicken

Ham, 2 x LC sausages (1)

King prawn omelette

Dairy milk (5)
Kinder bar (6)
Space raiders (3.5)

Syns - 15.5, A - 2, B - 2
Hungry hungry hippo today - lots of snacking!
Soup made for dinners for next few days
Had a right sulk on today as couldn't find BNS in morrisons, tesco or waitrose - not amused!!!!
Was a bit naughty today - syn free all day then went in tesco hungry. Came out with a family size cake by cadburys that looked amazing
Decided if I'm goons be naughty for dessert may as well be naughty for tea so had a KFC
When time came for the cake - it was pretty pants, clearly nowhere near as good as it looked in the packaging

So the moral of today's story is DON'T GO SHOPPING HUNGRY - it results in being a nob!
So the moral of today's story is DON'T GO SHOPPING HUNGRY - it results in being a nob!

This actually made me lol!
Get back on your soup and fish hun!
Much planned for the weekend or a quiet (read that as non beer fuelled ;)) one coming up? Xx
Damn those tasty cakes! As minks says back on the fish and soup and you'll be ok ;)
May have carried in being a knob since last update
It may have involved a few trips to KFC and pizza
Finished the phase off last with a carb fest from a takeaway Chinese at a friends house

Have had a strong word with myself and am now off to the gym to atone for my syns
It's a good job I planned to go the gym as I just called at the garage to find its going to cost me £700 for a new manifold ....... Grrrrr!!!!

Thankfully took some stress out in the gym so gelling slightly less pissed off now!
Saturday 7.9.13

Whlml roll (B1) fry light egg

Gym ***240 calories burned***
200 cals in 24 mins cross trainer
40 cals in 6 mins waist cross trainer
(Few crunches also)

Sw mushroom & pepper soup
Scan bran (B2)

Baked salmon & spicy BNS wedges

Cheese as snack at friends (A1)

Dairy milk (5)
Kinder bar (6)
Hoops & crosses (4)

Syns 15, A - 1, B - 2

After Saturdays shock at the garage I took my anger out on the gym, followed by freshly dyed hair I was much happier! (Apart from when looking at the car!)

Plan for Sunday is to make soup for all weeks dinners, I am in the office as normal so should be in control all week
Two nights out planned next two Fridays so need to be really really good either side of them
Sunday 8.9.13

Whlml roll (B1) bacon, frylight egg,
LC sausages (1)

Ham (scratch whilst tea cooking)

Sw roasties (B2) chicken, cabbage, gravy granules (2) Yorkshire pud (2)

Dairy milk (5) hoops & crosses (4)

Syns - 14, A - 0, B - 2
Soup made for dinners, planning fish based teas this week. Starting as I mean to go on with gym bag packed ready for after work tomorrow
Been and treated myself to some new winter PJ's today, sitting comfortably now in them.
Also treated myself to a new work coat, nice bright red mac from m&s had to get the 14 as 12 was way too fitted! Hopefully the next one I buy will be a 12
Now thinking need big push to get some weight off as its way too close to Xmas!
As I'm out the next two Fridays an going to try and stick to lower syns the other days in between to see if this helps
all sounds good! like the idea of new winter pjs :) looking forward to xmas. ive joined a countdown till xmas on here as an incentive to lose weight x