Food Diary of a Good Girl (10 weeks til W-Day!) x x

Michjoanne said:
Haha good isn't it!! Thanks for looking smoothie fruit up for me, rhubarb crumble would be different as 'cooked' fruit?! Oh what do I know, i'll just be careful!! xx

No worries hon xx

I think to be honest if it was like low fat yoghurt and a banana or something you would be fine, just if you start piling 10 pieces into one smoothie. Hope it's yummy anyway! Xx
Good evening ladies, just reading through the threads and it's soo nice to see so much positivity :) I just started Monday, finding it ok but struggling to eat everything in one day for some strange reason.... Too full!! :( any tips ? :D
Socialbutterfly1979 said:
Good evening ladies, just reading through the threads and it's soo nice to see so much positivity :) I just started Monday, finding it ok but struggling to eat everything in one day for some strange reason.... Too full!! :( any tips ? :D

Welcome!! I struggle a lot of the time too :( but I've discovered the fibre plus bars and love them as my HEXB!

Such a great couple of ladies on here and it's great to see someone new appreciating it :) feel free to check out my diary and sneak a peak. Any advice needed just give me a shout!

Good evening ladies, just reading through the threads and it's soo nice to see so much positivity :) I just started Monday, finding it ok but struggling to eat everything in one day for some strange reason.... Too full!! :( any tips ? :D

Hello Lovely :)

Glad to hear you've started off well :) I know at first it's overwhelming how much free food you can have it seems hard to fit your syns in too... Once you get into the swing of things you'll be glad of them :)

Keep at it, bet you'll have a fab loss come Monday :) x x
Thank you ladies, I think it's all a bit overwhelming, just want Monday to be over with hehe!! How do I see your diaries and things? I just use this site from the app on my phone?

How much have you both lost now? Xx

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Thank you, I think if anything I'm not eating enough, I have been counting 5 syns for a curly wurly, and drinking water is soooo boring!!!!! So tend to go for diet coke, oh dear!! Aaarrggghhh :)

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Good evening ladies, just reading through the threads and it's soo nice to see so much positivity :) I just started Monday, finding it ok but struggling to eat everything in one day for some strange reason.... Too full!! :( any tips ? :D
Hello! Welcome to our lovely thread :p I've only been doing this for 6/7 weeks and have found it fairly easy, although i'll admit I haven't always been 100%. I have good weeks and bad weeks but i've always managed to lose something. Only time I didn't (last week) I stayed the same. So SW definitely works! xx :D
By the way, don't know if it shows up on your phone, but on the left hand side there are profile stats for each of us which says how much weight we've lost and other details. Yours is blank so you need to put your details in on your profile page under 'edit'. ;)
Socialbutterfly1979 said:
Thank you ladies, I think it's all a bit overwhelming, just want Monday to be over with hehe!! How do I see your diaries and things? I just use this site from the app on my phone?

How much have you both lost now? Xx

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IPhone app isn't great to be honest, I use the iPhone and iPad app and prefer the actually website as this misses out so much!

I've lost 2st 13.5lbs! Desperate to get my 3 stone award but have been stuck here for about 3 weeks now!

Good morning,

Positive day :D so clearly my app is rubbish. I didn't know any of this lol!! Will try Suss it all out later on!! It's encouraging to hear you all being positive :)

Have a good Sunday :)

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Socialbutterfly1979 said:
Good morning,

Positive day :D so clearly my app is rubbish. I didn't know any of this lol!! Will try Suss it all out later on!! It's encouraging to hear you all being positive :)

Have a good Sunday :)

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Lol it's not rubbish, it's great for a quick catch up on the go but online is even better!

Have a good day :)

I'm just off to the gym an then either bowling or cinema later!

X x
Yeah I know it's good, was just messing!! More detail on line though :)

Well done with going to gym, I'm off fir a big walk, make the most of the good weather :D

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Week 7, Day 4

Good afternoon ladies :)

I'm being a right lazy so and so today, can't be bothered with anything! Slept in quite late for me, and apart from an Asda shop I haven't done a thing, and don't really intend to either :D With giving the pineapple a miss this week, I was a bit stuck for fruit to buy! Asda by OH are having a massive refit and had no berries and stuff... Booooo :( Also really feel like a treat tonight and I have the syns to do it, but I'm going for a Chinese with work tomorrow and am a bit worried I might need syns for that... Dilema!

B: 28g Ready Brek (B) made with Milk (A) and some Jam (1)

2 x Fox's Fruit Sweeties (2)

L: Thai Sweet Chilli Super Noodles (low fat ones - Are these free?) Apple, Tangerine, Teeny tiny bit of Muffin, just to try :S (1)

D: Tomato and Basil Chicken, SW Chips and Peas

S: Grapes, 1 x finger Time Out (4) Options Hot Chocolate (2)

Fluids: Water

Syns: 51.5/70

x x
Last edited:
tulip85x said:
Week 7, Day 4

Good afternoon ladies :)

I'm being a right lazy so and so today, can't be bothered with anything! Slept in quite late for me, and apart from an Asda shop I haven't done a thing, and don't really intend to either :D With giving the pineapple a miss this week, I was a bit stuck for fruit to buy! Asda by OH are having a massive refit and had no berries and stuff... Booooo :( Also really feel like a treat tonight and I have the syns to do it, but I'm going for a Chinese with work tomorrow and am a bit worried I might need syns for that... Dilema!

B: 28g Ready Brek (B) made with Milk (A) and some Jam (1)

2 x Fox's Fruit Sweeties (2)

L: Thai Sweet Chilli Super Noodles (low fat ones - Are these free?) Apple, Tangerine, Teeny tiny bit of Muffin, just to try :S (1)

D: Tomato and Basil Chicken, SW Chips and Peas/Sweetcorn

Fluids: Water

Syns: 45.5/70

x x

Yeh the noodles are free, my favourites are the chilli chicken ones yummy!!

I just love the weight watchers dessert yoghurts as they taste really naughty but aren't!

I've just made a SW chocolate cake which is only 9 syns for the whole thing, however, just had a nibble and not very chocolaty so not sure how to boost the flavour in it.

X x
Ooh glad you mentioned about the chocolate cake, was gonna try it!! The noodles sound lovely too, what make are they? :)

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Socialbutterfly1979 said:
Ooh glad you mentioned about the chocolate cake, was gonna try it!! The noodles sound lovely too, what make are they? :)

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It was sooooo good, however the cocoa powder said 2oz and I think this was too much. Next time going to do 1oz and then maybe some sugar or choc chunks. I had toffee yoghurt and squirty cream! Yummy!

X x
Nikki<3 said:
It was sooooo good, however the cocoa powder said 2oz and I think this was too much. Next time going to do 1oz and then maybe some sugar or choc chunks. I had toffee yoghurt and squirty cream! Yummy!

X x

Mmmmm that sound good, I have the recipe :) will try :D

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OoOo... Do share the recipe :) I've seriously been missing cake!!

Have updated my foods coz I've had some treats, possibly the worst thing ever, I've gotten the taste of chocolate now and want more!! Gonna distract myself by straightening my hair, which is a mammoth job because it's wild :D x x