Week 7, Day 1
Oh My GOD!! Worst night ever!! You may have noticed from my FB that I was awake from 10 past 2 this morning, caused by a weird throbbing swollen tongue, and a musical tummy, with a feeling that can I can't describe! I was either starving (not likely) or too full from too much food (most likely) but I actually couldn't tell!! I drank tonnes of water, which would mormally help both but did nothing

I eventually dropped off about 5am and feel like poop now, I have a huge ulcer on the inside of my bottom lip, like I've never seen before, it looks almost green, no joke!! I can't help but blame it on the amount of pineapple I've been eating, I did get the tongue thing when I was in Gran Canaria one time after eating fresh pineapple for breakfast, but I thought it was because my little tongue piercing was new and couldn't cope with the acids... Am I weird? I'm seriously contemplating toddling off to Off Topic and posting it there, but I might come across as a wee bit looney... Also I'm perfectly prepared to accept it may just because I'm run down a bit, or TOTM does the weirdest things! I'll stew on it... Sorry for ranting!
B: Banana, Apple
S: 2 x Yellow Plums
L: Ham Sandwich(made with 2 x Wholemeal Breads (B) Flora Pro Activ Light (1) Tomato) Melon and Strawberries, 1 x little fat free Activia (Forest Fruits)
Then I'm off out for an Indian (*sigh*) - My friend has just had her mortgage approved so we're going out to celebrate, I'm so pleased for her, but so jealous... With the state of current affairs, and the fact I can't save money to save my life (add to that I'm basically on minimum wage) I feel like I'll never be able to buy my own house, and will be stuck renting forever!! Pah!! Doesn't help that I keep emptying my account for this festival and that festival and this holiday and those pretty shoes... Whoops!!
D: Chicken Dansak (6.5) Plain Boiled Rice (FREE

S: Options (2) made with Milk (A)
Fluids: Gallons of Water
Syns: 9.5
Sorry for being a moaning minnie
x x