Food.. its soooo last year..12 pesky pounds till goal :D

hmmm cradle snatching....sounds good to me!

OH is almost same age as me...but a younger guy!! (Dieting queen into dream mode!:rolleyes: )

Older guys do nothing for me...unless they look really boyish!:)

Have a good night...Don't do anything i wouldn't do....ermmm means do whatever takes ya fancy!:eek:


nas xx
Hi Kirstin,
Its just taken me ages to catch up on 5 days of your diary as I have not been on for days due to house move.

Sounds like loads of new size 12 clothes, congrats ! Excellent weight losses and I can't begin to unpick all the men situations:D I am sure I will get back into it and work out what's happening. What I want to know is any more encounters with YL ??? He sounds promising ;)

Melissa x
Hi Melissa

No more encounters with Mr YL.... but I may be off there again this week... so maybe I can bump into him! I think I need to subtley hint that I will need an introduction to the Northants nightlife when I move ;)
End of 13th week update

Nothing to report... due to the fact I ate Saturday night (gorgeous food!), Sunday morning (brekkie at the hotel) and then again last night (Roast Lamb).. I've put the 3lbs back on that I had lost and now weigh the exact same weight that I weighed last monday... oops!!!!

Anyway I've had my fun now.. I still have one month of SS to do... so I'm back to it... not looking forward to the couple of days of hunger that I will have to endure.. but what the hell, its my own fault... So here I go again... be in the 11's next monday now rather than this monday :rolleyes:

Got to go, off down to Hertfordshire and then back up to Northants, will update my diary properly next time I have internet access.. but just for the record, Lotties hen night was fantastic, was a really good night. ANd I have found a house.. meeting the landlord to pay my deposit on Wednesday night, hoping to move in first weekend of Feb... :) House is in Desborough which looks like a quiet village... and the factory shop for my fave underwear brand is just on the outskirts... perfect... right more laters
Hi Kirsten,

Well done on just yo-yoing that 3lb...I'm sure it could have been loads worse. You've done fantastic anyways and this was planned so I don't think it's too traumatic!

I am sure you'll be whizzing into those 11's liek a racing car and before you know it you'll be in the pitstop of 10's

take care
Nas x
Punky... was absolutely brilliant to meet you tonight! Sorry about the mix up with the flippin wine bar being closed!! Still, it was great and you looked incredible! (you should've seen her skirt! stunning!) Will definitely have to do it all again and soon.. lol.. will warn them when you join me on a Sunday quiz night (and I can point out Mr Quiz man to you- lol ;) )
Hi Kirsten don't fret about the 3lb, t'is probably gone by now anyhow, knowing your record, ya'll probably loose double that amount by next Monday..LOL..
Hope that you get to chat later hun, am feeling very low due to the rash and there is football on that I don't want to watch :-(

I'm sure Caz is right, that 3lb will just be waste products that were in your system and once you clear them out, you will feel good again and lighter. Wait til Friday morning when you get to weigh yourself on your own scales, fingers crossed it will be gone. xxxx
Hope that you get to chat later hun, am feeling very low due to the rash and there is football on that I don't want to watch :-(

I'm sure Caz is right, that 3lb will just be waste products that were in your system and once you clear them out, you will feel good again and lighter. Wait til Friday morning when you get to weigh yourself on your own scales, fingers crossed it will be gone. xxxx

Hi Lottie...

are u itchin cos of pre weddin nerves?

Have u tried calamine really does soothe the skin...

Hope ya feelin better soon..xx
HI Nas,

I don't think so... I think it's far worse than that unfortunately. It started Sunday and my upper body is covered. I think it's either a reaction to a skin product (fake tan?) or burn from perfume, but it could very well be nerves. BF thinks it looks like healing, but I think it looks worse and thats why I'm now panicing. Which is no good for anything!!

Am just texting Kirstin bout it actually - she has no internet access (well her mum and dads pc is v slow, so practically no access) thats why shes not around at the mo.

Thanks for your concern hun, sorry if I sound miserable.

"Thanks for your concern hun, sorry if I sound miserable"

Hey Lottie,

U don't have to B sorry...No worries Hun!!

Hope U R feelin better though...cos I am sure nerves will exacerbate FFF said If it's still there go to the pharmasist or the dr...for some anti histamines or even a topical steroidal ointment, it will b gone in no time!

U take care and Good Luck 4 da wedding!

Hi Lottie - am sorry to hear about the rash - I bet it is a physical reaction to pre-wedding emotion.. :D Am sure it will go away very soon :D If not better tomorrow go and see a pharmacist hon. Might just need some anti-histamines or something :D

Thanks Jennie, gods knows - check out the pics on my diary if you want to be really grossed out!!!

I'm hoping that the drugs that the doc has prescribed me will soon start to kick in, I'm currently on 2 lots of antihystamines and an intense course of steriods, plus I've got a fellow miniminer (Pixie, who is a dr) looking through her books to try and help me, how cool is that!! Am feeling a lot better now that I'm home and could re-apply my cream and theres a good chance that the drugs will start working...any day soon? It started on Sun though.

If not, I'll be looking for a huge Ivory Sari scarf to wear over my wedding dress next Friday!!
"Thanks for your concern hun, sorry if I sound miserable"

Hey Lottie,

U don't have to B sorry...No worries Hun!!

Hope U R feelin better though...cos I am sure nerves will exacerbate FFF said If it's still there go to the pharmasist or the dr...for some anti histamines or even a topical steroidal ointment, it will b gone in no time!

U take care and Good Luck 4 da wedding!


Thanks Naz, fingers crossed. The nerves def do not help, but I think I've got them bad because I've had it 5 days now and there is not much sign of it leaving. Got a lovely text from BF saying that it doesn't matter if it hasn't cleared up because it doesn't matter, I'll still look lovely and he is the one that is marrying me. I'm just getting in a tizz because I'm out of control and I've tried my best to control everything else xxxx
Awwww Lottie he sounds one in a million!!!

Have we hijacked karens thread..?? LOL well I'm sure she won't mind...gonna check out ur thread later so will post there in future!

Punky... was absolutely brilliant to meet you tonight! Sorry about the mix up with the flippin wine bar being closed!! Still, it was great and you looked incredible! (you should've seen her skirt! stunning!) Will definitely have to do it all again and soon.. lol.. will warn them when you join me on a Sunday quiz night (and I can point out Mr Quiz man to you- lol ;) )

Hey Jennie

Was great to meet you too, had a great night.. and of course your excellent willpower rubbed off on me and got me back on the straight and narrow... for erm a day.. but more of that in my update!!!

I move on 2nd Feb, so if i'm straight and u go to the quiz on the 3rd let me know and i'll pop over for it.. for the record, i am thick at quizzes lol!!!!

Well i don't think my weight will have returned to normal.. because i've not exactly been good!!

Met Jennie Monday evening and she got my head back in the right place, because of her fantastic willpower and determination to SS... So Tuesday was okay, although I did go out for meal with the ASM in the hotel - I had chicken Sag Wali (on its own - so basically it was just chicken and spinach curry.. don't think it would have been too bad .. but obviously not to good either - since 2 or 3 weeks ago I would never have considered eating anything at all!!!!!)

ANyway Wednesday I SS'd all day.. even though I went to the McVities factory for a visit and ended up in their factory shop - bought 15 packs of biscuits for £4!!!!!! None of these were for me - most I gave to my mum and sister, 2 packets for the girls in the office and 3 packets for my ex to thank him for having Buster all week.

Thursday morning I think I was in Ketosis.. coz I had the grotty taste back in my mouth when I woke up... all went well - had to have a shake early though as I had miscalculated on Tetras so needed to mix shake before I left my parents house to go to the office. Got to office, gave the girls the biccies.. and then when they opened them ... i put it off and put it off and then stuffed my face with 6!!!!!!!!! (Choc and caramel digestives too... sooooooooo bad!) Then they were off to Subway for lunch and without even thinking I ordered chicken salad (only had lettuce, cucumber and tomatoes.. but I did have sweet onion sauce).. think that part of the day wasn't too bad...but the 6 biscuit issue was making me feel like a huge failure, felt weak and shite and was sooooo damn disappointed with myself after my excellent first 10 weeks.. its all gone a bit crappy during January (although admittedly most of it has been just chicken until this week!)

ANyway I then got stuck on the A14.. I left the office at 4.30pm and didn't get to the M1 until 7pm!!!!!!!! I wasn't hungry, but i was still thinking about food! I made a decision to get it out of my system (helped by fact I knew i couldn't have a foodpack until i got home).. so when I eventually got to the services at nottingham, i had fish and chips - totally not satisfying or yummy at all!!! Ate all the fish (was v small) and a handful of chips - so left a plateful of chips! Was v full afterwards.. but due to the huge disappointment i felt with myself I think weirdly it has helped, the meal was totally not nice and I wasn't even hungry - i ate for the sake of eating.. but I think it has *fingers crossed* got my back into the right frame of mind again! I really hope so anyway. Not had any foodpacks now since yesterday morning... due one in about 30mins, have drank a litre of water already and it feels like a normal day. I'm out on the town tonight, and I'm driving - i'm not even gonna bother drinking as I have done on the last 3 or 4 nights out! Its not worth it, i only have 1 stone 3lbs to go (hopefully I haven't put anymore on - i haven't weighed myself and I'm not going to until monday weigh in day!) I am not going to jeopardise and mess my diet up any longer - its like throwing away all my hard work, and for nothing - because the biscuits really weren't THAT good and as for the fish and chips, they were gross!!!!!!!

So hope to be back in ketosis soon.... need to go buy some more stix and check it out - THIS LAST STONE IS COMING OFF AND STAYING OFF... AND THEN I WILL MAKE DECISION WHETHER TO DO SS FOR ANOTHER MONTH OR TO FOLLOW THE MAINTENANCE!