Nice and Normal
Well yesterday went okay, had 4 shakes though instead of three.. but lets face it, that was better than going out and eating a 3 course meal - not that I could ever manage 3 courses these days! I struggle to eat one!
Today going good too.. no cravings to hit my local restaurants as yet!! Had one shake and off to the gym shortly.. been working hard all morning... and think i deserve a 30min run in my lunch hour(ish)!!!!
Well done for getting back on track, I totally agree with what you said to Melissa yesterday about AAM, I know it's an age old debate on here, but I reckon (like others have said before) SS is like falling in love the first time that you do it and then when you learn which boundaries you can push, you push them, so it's better not to AAM in the first place (in my opinion).
I'm a serial naughty person because I know how it works BUT thankfully I seem to be in a mindset where I can go back to SS quite easily at the moment, but it's usually only up until the point when I get to my lowest weight and then I get complacent again. Also, I don't know if getting back on SS will be as easy after the wedding, I guess that it's all about my state of mind and what my next goal is.
I am thinking that I will be OK though because all that was wrong with my life (my job) that helped me gain back weight, has been fixed now and so now I only see positive things in the future!! God, I'm sickly sweet at the moment.
Anyway, I digress, well done for resisting the temptations and full marks for going to the gym again, I'm very inspired ahead of my attempt at a gym-fest whilst I'm away.