Food.. its soooo last year..12 pesky pounds till goal :D

Well yesterday went okay, had 4 shakes though instead of three.. but lets face it, that was better than going out and eating a 3 course meal - not that I could ever manage 3 courses these days! I struggle to eat one!

Today going good too.. no cravings to hit my local restaurants as yet!! Had one shake and off to the gym shortly.. been working hard all morning... and think i deserve a 30min run in my lunch hour(ish)!!!!

Well done for getting back on track, I totally agree with what you said to Melissa yesterday about AAM, I know it's an age old debate on here, but I reckon (like others have said before) SS is like falling in love the first time that you do it and then when you learn which boundaries you can push, you push them, so it's better not to AAM in the first place (in my opinion).

I'm a serial naughty person because I know how it works BUT thankfully I seem to be in a mindset where I can go back to SS quite easily at the moment, but it's usually only up until the point when I get to my lowest weight and then I get complacent again. Also, I don't know if getting back on SS will be as easy after the wedding, I guess that it's all about my state of mind and what my next goal is.

I am thinking that I will be OK though because all that was wrong with my life (my job) that helped me gain back weight, has been fixed now and so now I only see positive things in the future!! God, I'm sickly sweet at the moment.

Anyway, I digress, well done for resisting the temptations and full marks for going to the gym again, I'm very inspired ahead of my attempt at a gym-fest whilst I'm away.:D
My goal weight and getting to it!

Have made my decision as to how to get to my goal weight - i'm going to SS to 10 1/2 stone (not changing my target weight of 11stone though until i hit it..besides that would be demoralising going from 16lbs to lose to 23lbs!!).. but when i get to 11 stone (Big WHEN), i'm gonna go for my leaving piss up and then get straight back onto SS up to 10 1/2 stone.. I may be past 11 stone by the time the 24th comes round anyway(fingers crossed.. if i don't cheat!)

When i get to 11stone, i'm gonna follow the steps, so AAM for a week, then 790 until i get to 9 1/2 stone.. then the steps through maintenance.. thats the plan anyway!

Did another 3mile run in 30mins at the gym today followed by weights - i'm loving my running now, its so much easier at my current weight... when i was at school i was a brilliant runner.. but i was super thin.. maybe i can get to that stage again! But already it feels damn good! Staying at my parents tomorrow night, so gonna take my kit and venture out into the freezing cold for a 3 miler... okay the freezing cold may talk me out of it.. but this is what i plan on doing at mo!

May not be around till friday night, coz of silly computer problems, although the hotel i'm staying in at Wellingborough does have internet access.. but I am wining and dining irish distributors on thurs night - so yep a chicken salad or monkfish and salmon skewers and salad for me!!!! Even though I should just SS!
Have made my decision as to how to get to my goal weight - i'm going to SS to 10 1/2 stone (not changing my target weight of 11stone though until i hit it..besides that would be demoralising going from 16lbs to lose to 23lbs!!).. but when i get to 11 stone (Big WHEN), i'm gonna go for my leaving piss up and then get straight back onto SS up to 10 1/2 stone.. I may be past 11 stone by the time the 24th comes round anyway(fingers crossed.. if i don't cheat!)

When i get to 11stone, i'm gonna follow the steps, so AAM for a week, then 790 until i get to 9 1/2 stone.. then the steps through maintenance.. thats the plan anyway!

Did another 3mile run in 30mins at the gym today followed by weights - i'm loving my running now, its so much easier at my current weight... when i was at school i was a brilliant runner.. but i was super thin.. maybe i can get to that stage again! But already it feels damn good! Staying at my parents tomorrow night, so gonna take my kit and venture out into the freezing cold for a 3 miler... okay the freezing cold may talk me out of it.. but this is what i plan on doing at mo!

May not be around till friday night, coz of silly computer problems, although the hotel i'm staying in at Wellingborough does have internet access.. but I am wining and dining irish distributors on thurs night - so yep a chicken salad or monkfish and salmon skewers and salad for me!!!! Even though I should just SS!
Good on you hun. Do you know what I think though? And you don't have to take my advice, but maybe change your tracker...if the last stone is so hard to achieve, increase it to your real target and you might dig your heels in again. I know it kind of defeats the object of your new thread, but there are others on there with a little bit more to lose than 1 stone, so I'm sure it could equally be the 1 stone summat challange. Just an idea....right really must go to addicted.....BED BED BED.
lol ok that makes sense... but I can't do it! My target has always been 9 1/2 stone... but I did the ticker for 11stone as that puts me in a healthy weight range...... so 11st has always been my first goal, but i've known I was going to go further than that... initially I was gonna stop SS at 11 stone... which was another reason for the ticker.. but now i'll just carry it on a bit more... maybe I'll change it when i get a tad closer!

Right better go get ready!!!

Have a good day
I know you want to be SS'ing BUT I am so jealous coz I am having major lusting after a piece of fish ! Preferbaly salmon or a thick tuna steak....OMG my mouth is watering just typing it.....aaaaaahhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggg:eek:

Good Luck with the move ! I am sure Buster will love travelling around being with you and as you say at worst he will nap a lot !:)

What ha smade you change your goal ? Interested coz I am trying to work out mine. Worked out that 11st 5 will give me a BMI of 24.something but wonder if it should be less to allow a bit of "dinner room" :p
Hey Melissa

I haven't changed my goal really.. originally when i set out on the diet I wanted to be below 25 BMI.. but after the first two weeks on the diet when I realised how easy it was (hmmmm not so easy now really!!! Although I hasten to add.... still the best damn diet ever!) I decided that just being below 25BMI wasn't enough... so i thought i would have some "dinner" room too! I thought to be around BMI 23 would be a good point... somewhere in the middle!

Anyway... just so everyone knows... I cheated for the whole day today!!!!

I had to do training presentation to two Irish guests from our distributors.. plus the whole of the UK external sales team, my boss and my internal sales admin person... on way down to office I had serious butterfiles.. stopped for coffee .. and had a pannini!!!! No way i can even try and persuade myself that it was at all good.. coz it wasn't.... then a working lunch was arranged midway through my presentation... so i partook in some sandwiches... only 5 mini triangles.. but had some crisps too... and finally just to complete my sense of failure.. i've just got back from the restaurant where I had dinner with the Irish guests and my boss.. now this I knew about in advance and had planned to eat chicken salad.... but after all my cheating I thought what the hell and had venison cutlets.. with mustard mash (did leave most of the mash though!) Also had dessert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soooooooooooo u better get back on track at some point this month..... can't believe my committment to SS could have disappeared so easily!!!!!:cry: (oooh new smilies!!!!!!)

Bed now me thinks.. bloody late and i'm tired!
Morning Kirsten,

Treat it as it was, a day off, and nothing else, we all deserve days off from our jobs, so this diet is no different, we're not built to be 100% perfect its an unrealistic goal, so don't beat yourself up cuz you've taking a break (not saying ya are beating yourself, just presuming LOL:eek: ) I took the night of yesterday too, and have absolutely no guilt if anything I'm really glad, cuz I really enjoyed myself and savoured EVERY mouthful...;) :D

Those Irish guys wouldn't have understood if ya'd been SS'ing and at the end of the day, you don't want to distract from your business pitch....;)

Hope you enjoyed your break and are straight back on the program today, No guilt or recriminations;) :p
Erm caz.. make that two days off!!!

And yeah i'm not beating myself up.. but I am going to SS tomorrow onwards, I need to get myself back in ketosis and on track.. this stone will never come off if i don't.. so i need to stop @rsing around really!!!!! But yeah i have eaten today too.. shake for breakfast, lunch with the visitors at dinnertime, dropped them at airport - got home to huddersfield at 6pm and ordered a pizza and had garlic bread! I did buy tub of Ben and Jerry's too... the large tub.. and i had two spoonfuls and put it in the dustbin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A huge waste!!! But i wasn't enjoying it... didn't want it... so no point sticking it back in freezer because it would still be there later and tomorrow! So i dumped it in bin.. a full tub lol.. criminal! Anyway to celebrate my lovely new job and the fact that I am not going out tonight, I have opened a bottle of champagne!! Drinking it all to myself and then tomorrow I am going to give myself a stern talking to and get back on the SS wagon.. and be an angellic little SS'er again!!!!! :break_diet:
Hi Punkass, we're actually mirroring each other at the moment, I've not SS'd all day either, totally lost de plot to be honest and now I'm not happy...not gonna go into it here on your thread, but I too, have to get up tomorrow and get my act together, this messing around is getting to me now.
Happy to say that I haven't put on an ounce after my excesses the last two days! Weighed myself this morning (about 5 times because I couldn't believe it!) and I am still 12st 2lbs... of course I could have lost a little earlier in the week... but I was 12st 2lbs wednesday am.... so its unlikely that I had lost anything.

I am either back on SS wagon today or tomorrow... I can't make mind up.. whatever I decide I am sticking to, I do not want to say I am going to SS today and then go to Lotties party tonight and end up eating the buffet! Because that would be another failure whereas if I do it from tomorrow then I am staying in and can ease myself into SS with no temptations! Either way I am putting 100% back into my diet as I have been so stupid really the last 2 weeks!

Have left Lottie an email with my SS dilemma on it, she can decide for me and I will stick to her decision! How about that for passing the book lol but she makes good decisions and her thoughts on diet usually echo mine!
Have left Lottie an email with my SS dilemma on it, she can decide for me and I will stick to her decision! How about that for passing the book lol but she makes good decisions and her thoughts on diet usually echo mine!

LOL, no pressure there then!! Actually I just mailed my reply before reading this... and I did mirror what you had said...
I said to do whatever is better for your long term SS'ing. It is better to decide ahead of the day that you are going to eat today and start again properly tomorrow than to decide to SS and then cheat and beat yourself up and harm your longer term progress.

I would say it depends on how strong you are feeling today as well, if you've woke with one of those gung-ho attitudes where there is no stopping you, it would be a shame to not sieze the moment, but is starting SS on a night out where there are temptations (and a small amount of social stress from crabstick entertaining) really realistic?

There isn't much healthy on my buffet by the way, so sorry...making healthy choices isn't an option either....

Sitting on the fence...Mrs H xxxx
I'm in agreement with ur view! I am a little gung-ho today, but more in respect to doing what is best for the SS over the next four weeks, and to have that attitude and then crumble at your party would seriously affect my attitude tomorrow too! So I will not beat myself up today, if I do eat at the party it will probably only be picking.. as after last night, which I am still full from (pizza and garlic bread).. I can't bear the thought of having a full stomach! I was very nearly sick in the middle of the night I felt so stuffed, was the worst feeling ever and I know I forced myself to eat beyond my fullness indicator! Whereas the night before when i went out with the irish guys, I left loads on my plate as I was getting full!
hehe melissa v good.. i was gonna do one of them meez things.. but i got frustrated when i couldn't wear the boots i wanted without paying!!! So I sulked and logged off!!!!
Yes I got a nice swinging ankh necklace and a purple jumper thing then realised it wanted dosh...most frustrating ! Quite good fun though. Thought I would leave myself dancing to burn off some calories :D

I have got some new pics that OH took today and am quite pleased with them so going to put them up on photobucket and then on here, hurray !
Week 15 update

Well due to my continued cheating - its not surprising that I have stayed the same this week

So Weight is still 12 st 2lbs!

So I haven't lost anything... but on a positive I haven't put on anything either!

Today I really am stopping @rsing about! I am going to SS completely and just generally be a good girl.. i've had two weeks of fun now, I have no further excuses, when I think of how committed I was in the first 3 months of this diet, it makes me sick that I can have been so lacksidasical over the last two weeks and two days!

I have already done my 3 mile run this morning and very good it was too, my preliminary marathon training begins this week to coincide with my new SS push! I have no further social or work committments to deter me from SS (apart from my final night out in Huddersfield this Friday before moving on Saturday.. I will probably have a couple of wines this night - but I can't get drunk anyway as moving house with a hangover isn't attractive!!!) for the foreseeable future - the only thing I can think of besides my Huddersfield Leaving meal and drinks on Feb 24th, is a brewery dinner (black tie posh do) on March 2nd. I am aiming to be at my original 11stone target by Feb 24th anyway - so I will have both these nights out and eat.. but I will then SS until I get to 10 1/2 stone - before embarking on 790 in order to lose my final stone.
Day one of being a reformed character over with!

Happy to say that day one of sticking to SS is over - well it will be shortly as I'm going to bed in a minute!

I'm hungry right now, and I have had 4 shakes instead of 3.. thought i needed to ease myself into it gently.. as all afternoon i've been thinking about eating out!! And now I am craving chicken of all things!! Its like i've told my fat brain I will not eat under any circumstances... so my fat brain is arguing back.. "but what about some chicken thats allowed" ... I told my fat brain to shut up, chicken is only allowed on AAM.. and I think I've added enough meals over the last few days funnily enough!!!!

Nearly went to the gym for second time today.. thought I may need to, to take mind off food - but then it occured that training twice in one day may make me even more hungry!!! So I will go for my first outdoor run tomorrow evening as staying down at my parents house tomorrow night.

Have packed a load of stuff into my car, ready to drop in to new place on Wednesday when I am in Northants for appointments - I also have an appointment at LA Fitness to view and join - nowhere near as nice as my current gym.. but its the next best thing as far as I can see.. My gym total fitness, is only in the north.. they so need to expand south!

Anyway thats it from me, for today... roll on ketosis and an end to hunger! I want my SS habit back!
Well done Kirstin... you're doing great! At least you haven't put weight on - unlike me 12lbs in 5 days yikes!! It's a slippery slope hun so get back on that wagon pronto!!

Like you i've had a great first day back on packs, and ey if we can do one day we can do a hundred right?? lol not like we need to do a hundred but we could if we wanted so there!
lol please don't make me do another 100!!

Quick update coz i need to get ready to leave house!!!

Lost 2lbs in my first day... so i'm happy and feeling all motivated again :D
2lb off already, good news ! I do admire all your running and gym stuff. It was good that you didn't put weight on before and kept at 12s 2. Maybe you will be a natural when it comes to maintaining your weight loss :D

Are you having your leaving do in Huddersfield at a certain bar where a certain barman works ?

Hope ketosis hits today !:)