So... did you get your vanilla fix?
Are you going out tonight as well as tomorrow? If so and you are now glamming yourself up, have a brill night. We decided against going out tonight - was going to stop over in manc on the way to the wedding in the lake district, take the journey in two halves, but decided we'd save points (him) and temptation (me) until tomorrow.
I just got back in from docs and am a bit bored now.
Didn't get my vanilla fix until 11pm last night

The cdc arrived at 4pm.. i'd already had to have my tomato soup by then! SO then i went out at 5.30 to meet my mate at 6pm.. the copious amounts of water i drank whilst out kept the hunger at bay.. but was ready for my vanilla fix by the time i got home!!!
Met a guy last night, who i have spoke to for months on myspace... so its not a dating thing..just a friend thing. He's currently heartbroken as he just split up with his g/f a few weeks ago due to v long distance relationship.. anyway we drink in the same bar all the time, it is our favourite bar in hudds... he said the other night that he can't believe we've never bumped into each other. I said i was meeting my mate there at 6 so he said he'd call in for a pint on the way home from work. and he did. He is such a lovely guy, v chatty and funny (nice looking too)... shame hes so heartbroken over his girlfriend because i def would lol!
Was really nice to meet someone and not worry about how i looked, i wore my new size 14 slinky shirt (had to open top button tho to stop chest gape!!!! But that made it sexier anyway!) and my karen millen size 14 skirt - which i've had for ages but only recently been able to get into again.. was all in black and my mates commented on the fact i looked even slimmer than i did when we went out sunday! Anyway he only stopped for a pint, me and my mate were off to another bar then anyway, he gave me a hug goodbye, I said i'd catch up with him on MSN and look out for him in future.
Also got some wolfwhistles when i walked in one bar.. these guys said I wouldn't mind seeing her again... i looked at them and thought it would have to be in their dreams lol!! They weren't for me! In another bar a bit later, we sat at a table with these two guys who kept staring over (they were v unattractive IMO)... but the attention was good!
Out again tonight

May take camera if i remember!