Hello hun

, I know I probably sound repetitive when I say `a maintain is much better than a gain ' but I hear you, a small loss would have been nice. I think you've done the right thing, handing in your food diary. If she's a good consultant, she will be able to spot what's wrong. I lost 5.5 stone when I did SW (I'm doing a different plan now) and I did find there were some things that they didn't stress on too much which I actually found helped with the losses, one of them being water and the second fibre (which I know SW do emphasize on). I'm sure your having speed with all your carbs, but try and drink 2 litres of water a day. It really does help with the losses. If your like me and find it hard to drink water, then add some nas squash, it will make it easy to drink. Also add a bit of body magic to your routine and get the body moving. I am no gym bunny, and am not fond of exercise to be honest, but I do go for a half hour walk every day, every little helps. Also I have heard a lot that some people on SW say they had better losses on the old Red and Green days as opposed to EE (I know everyone's different), but try switching up the plans and see if that works. When I alternated between Red and Green I had good losses on those weeks

I hope all of the above is coming across as friendly advice and not a lecture.

I hope your consultant comes back with some good news. Hope you have a fab week lovely ! Chin up

Hugs Kay xx