From here to Eternally Slim

Aww well done Minxy!!!! That's brilliant!!! What an achievement and a lovely shiney to go with it!! :)

WI dancers I am joining you today to dance - and WI lol. I need the extra body magic!!! Im really hoping for a loss, its days like this that i wish i had a pair of scales at home to sneak peak!! Im not expecting a massive loss more like praying for a little one. Anything to get me a little bit closer!!

Good luck to other Tuesday weighers!! xx
Dancing for me too, please!

It's not going to be a brilliant loss tonight, but please let it be a loss?

Minxy.. well done on your final loss.. target and shiney, so inspirational for us loosers.

Pesty, dancing as I speak.. am going back to group tonight, so I can get back on track, so will be running about as much as poss this week to get a good loss next week. I need for this back to group tonight to be the last "going back" for me and the start of my loosing for good. am definatley looking forward to loosing and feeling fitter and looking good again. Thats my goal. Think its probably back to basics for me and change of all of my stats again.

Sarah, good luck at WI for you too tonight, double dancing for you and Pesty.

Hope everyone is good xxx
If anyone can do it EF you can!! You've shown unbeliveable strength over the last few months and I have no doubt that in a few months time we'll all be cheering you on for the amazing amount you will have lost!!!

JoT dancing for you too huni!! xx
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EF, you'll do it this time.
You're joining the Tuesday team - and we're all Awesome!
Sorry for the delay in updating!!

I gained 1lb at WI last night so i wasnt best pleased!! Still, i have come far and i will get to target. Im trying to do half my plate super free for a week to make sure i get there!!!

JoT - How'd you get on hun? xx
Hi all. Ditto on the "Sorry for the delay" bit: it's been a Manic Morning of Meetings.

I lost a whole 1lb last night. I was decidedly underwhelmed with that, but I know I should be grateful it went the right way.
Sorry about yours, Pesty. But you'll have a loss next week, now. I know you. You're always so determined when you've had a gain!
We WILL get there, won't we? It's only a question of when. NOT if.

Pesty, a lb could have been more fluid retention, and bet that is off already :)

Sarah, well done on the loss, good result :)

I put on 4.5lb last night compared to 5 weeks ago. So am ok with that, and know most of that will be off next week.

Just got my hair curled for red nose day, volunteers from college, so donated and also came out with a burn on my head :(. Lol its not too bad, under my fringe so hey ho..

so yes, we will all get to our goals and its When as you said Sarah and never an If :).

Hey JoT congrats on the loss!!! Yea we will get there!!!! I am determined to get a loss this week, ijust hope my determination stays with me all week!!!

EF 4.5lb in 5 week? With what you have been through it could have been a lot worse so congratulations huni m looking forward to seeing nexts weeks loss!!

Well I got back last night from out little jaunt to the freebie golf/spa hotel break that My OH won at golf......and it was luverrrly

oh I did a little walk around the grounds as the weather was sooooo beautiful for a change. I'l skip the fine details of what we ate it wasnt really that bad (but a little pastry was involved, and a croissant may have mugged me at breakfast too
)......lets just say its a good job I had 43 syns saved up to the morning before we went - as we shared 2 bottles of wine between us each evening meal
BUT no puddings touched my lips
1 baileys coffee did though :eek:)

WI tonight so Im joining in with the dancing just for a bit of body magic :D (and in the vague hope it will somehow spurr *week to make an appearance to stop me feeling the bloat & craving all things chocalate :sigh:)

EF glad you're back on top form with the plan hun.....such a small gain in 5 weeks with all that you have been going through is fab ;) x x

Pesty 1lb gain? thats gone already in a big old wee :D x x

JIMBOB well done on your 1lb this week, and your swimming challenge x x

MLM ......ANOTHER SHINEY !!! :rolleyes: is there any room left on your book for all that bling :D well done missus :) x x

Right off to stick the washer on & get some jobs good ;)
CD, good to see you back and glad you enjoyed the break. I love Baileys Latte ;).

Thanks CD, I got home last night though and son had gone out, hadn't shopped so ended up eating a chicken korma and rice that I'd bought him :( so.. tonight I have thawed out Pork steaks, will do that with mash and lots of greens and carrots. Going to get a salad for lunch as its such a lovely day out there and can take it back to my desk to eat it. Also going to the Gym, to meet my friend and then home for a huge fruit cocktail that I'll buy from the market to make up tonight. I know once Im on plan I get into that Zone, and then inspired too.

Thanks Pesty, I hope it will all be off next week, but found out I have an overnight training course Monday til Tuesday, so need to look at good options to have for those days.

CD, good luck for your WI tonight honey.

Hope everyone else is well, its just gone sooo quiet in here. xxx
hi all well done for the losers and commisserations (sp) for the gainers.
I went to dr this morning be 145/100 so back on bp tabs had a bit of a cry but am fine with it.
on the plus side i lost a pound this week yippee
Hey CD good to see you back huni!!! Good luck for WI!!!!!

EF dont worry about the Korma hun just get back on it 100% today! I find mug shots or batchelors mug of pasta are both really good for busy days, along with fruit of course!

Ronnie, sorry to hear your back on the tablets but WOOHOO on the loss!!

Sorry i havent popped in I had some bad news last night that my great grandma has passed away at the age of 100!! She was a marvelous lady and will be missed, im feeling a bit better now that the shock has passed, she had a really long happy life and im sure she's gone to a better place!

Day 2 of 100% complete, day 3 in progress!! 1/2 superfree is going well with all my meals so far!

afternoon all

sorry Im a bit late with the update had a mega migraine last night so just went to WI and home to BED. I managed a STS which I was more than happy with after our trip away and my non appearance of * week :eek:

Well done Ronnie on your loss :) sorry bout you having to go on the BP tabs .....but at least they are keeping a close eye on things for you x

Sorry to hear about your sad news Pesty Hun :( I dont mean to sound crass, but 100 is a real good old age, but its still not nice & its always a shock when you hear the news x x

EF like pesty said, 1 korma wont ruin a good week ;) I'm so pleased that we have the 'new improved EF' back with us :p and I'm chuffed to bits that things are working out for you at last....cos you sure as hell deserve it x x x

Well Im on mission BE GOOD again for a few days. weve got a big family meal to go to tomorrow to mark the Anniversary of my OH's Dads Birthday. Its at my favourite restraunt & choosing anything NON synful is just not an option :eek: so its minimal syns from now until ....... well howevever long I can stand it (bearing in mind Im craving sweet stuff madly with stupid * week....or not *week:mad:)white choc options seem to be working quite well and Ive just found out they are now only 2 syns not 2.5 like they used to be BONUS!!!!!!

Off to do some lovely Ironing now woopeebloodydoo :sigh:
hello i would

8th week weigh in and lost 1 stone :D

but need a little extra support x
Hey Melissa, welcome in :)

Pesty, sorry about your great-grandma. **Hugs**

Ronnie, 1lb loss is great, going the right way again. Dont worry about the BP tabs, its better for you to get the BP down while you lose, and I bet you a bazillion squids that by the time you are at target you are off them again.

WD on the STS CD, and enjoy your meal out.

Im making syn free caramelised onion chutney. The vinegar smell is giving me a headache.
Good afternoon

Welcome Melissa, lots of support on here you will enjoy popping in and out to chat.

CD, thanks, am starting to enjoy being in the house now, get a bit lonley at times, and then I look at unpaacking another box, lol. Have oganised a busy weekend of going to the gy, mowing the lawn, then away Monday night on training staying at the Hilton so they have a pool and gym, so just gonna make the most of that. I think as long as I fill my days and eves up, Im fine. Good news on the options :)

Ronnie, well done on your loss and BP as well.

Thanks Pesty and well done for being 100%.

New team lunch for me and 2 colleagues and a leaving do combined, so we went to a chinese buffet :(. Oh dear, didn't eat much but there was nothing SW friendly. Must work hard in the gym at the weekend and stay syn free for rest of the day too.

Its a lovely day out there, hope you are all enjoying it. xxx