From here to Eternally Slim

WI result 3lb off

JUST missed my 2.5 stone shiney by a piffling 1/2 pound !!! :rolleyes:
Sooooo Im on a mission to get it next week for sure ! ;)

My eggy fart kitchen smell was worth the effort.....the syn free scotch eggs went down a storm at class
they are very tasty indeed.
Well done, Dizz.
The pompoms obviously work even better from the ceiling.

I'll do them again for you next week, and you'll totally rock that new shiny!
Target? What target?

hmmm i know this feeling.....except it was 2 weeks not 2 days.

ummmm please beat me with a big stick all the way back to target:eek:

been 100% on for 5 days now though...yet to go to an official weigh in since though,am planning on going with my friend to hers on wednesday.
*slinks in*.

Been so bad. SOoooooo very very bad.

So bad, in fact, that I am going to WI tomorrow, and I am not going to weigh. I refuse. I dont want to see how bad is bad. I know how bad it is even without getting on a set of scales to tell me.

Fortuitously, I can do this, because I am at target and thus do not have to show up every week - and my C is just glad I am coming in to help anyway.

So, 100% in the morning to start fixing the damage. Probably a fishy style week (I have plenty in) and LOADS of superfree. I cant keep doing this, I need to stabilise. I feel so cross with myself.

Minx in law doesnt help. I really did set out to be good yesterday. I ate very little during the day, hoping that it would be a nice slimming meal and she would have some fruit and yogurt as she previously has. But I arrived whilst she was in the midst of a "not caring much" spell and so it was beyond even her usual levels of overkill.

To start, chicken with chilli sauce. Made out of three different bottles of chilli sauce. Chilli dipping sauce, sweet chilli sauce, and chilli and garlic stir-fry sauce. Between three of us. That was my days syns and probably extra without even trying.

I tried to get out of dessert... but... shes on a tiny weeny pension and she had gone to loads of trouble and I couldnt bear the guilt. Haagen-dazs pralines and cream, strawberry cream pie, and squirty cream. And at that point the wagon completely sodded off and I lost all ability to control what I ate and came home and just ate more and more and more and today has been as bad if not worse. I am so ashamed of myself. I am just hopeless.

Why can I not exercise self-control ALL the time?

Pfft. Stupid stupid waste.
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Minxy you look like you :needhug::grouphugg: so here you go hunny, i can relate have been bad bad bad but back on the wagon - hate time off cos i find it hard to stay on track when at home lol........
*slinks in*.

Been so bad. SOoooooo very very bad.

Why can I not exercise self-control ALL the time?

Pfft. Stupid stupid waste.

Hun - you are human - self control does and will desert us on occasion. The difference is that you know you can fix this and you are going to fix it.
You haven't given up - you've just had a really bad day, mostly due to other people as well as I'm sure that if minx in law had done a SW meal you wouldn't have had such a bad time.
Don't beat yourself us over it, any damage that has occured can be fixed it's not irrepaireable.
Give yourself credit that you haven't let one bad day turn into a bad week, month, year. You know you aren't going to go back and put on all the weight you've lost.
*hugs* hope you have a fab week with loads of yummy SF and stay on plan.
*Big hugs*

to those who got attacked by the Bank Holiday food fairies (little effing barstewards aint they :mad:

I got attacked by a vodka bottle yesterday :eek: I used my days syns - not soooo bad, but terrible when Im not suppopsed to drink on my meds & Ive got the hangover from hell today :rolleyes:

Had a nice syn free BBQ but then I do have a hazy memory of sharing a malteser bunny with my OH :eek:......well when I say 'sharing' I think he had 'an ear' :confused::p:sigh: sooooo I pretty much join the ranks of the 'I BLEW IT YESTERDAY FOLKS' Brigade

Have a good day everyone......Mission damage limitation today for me (and a couple of sachets of Beechams Resolve lol)
Well I'm not weighing in this week either! It's been a BAD BAD week: I've eaten my body weight in chocolate - and scones.

Back on plan tomorrow, and I hope I can undo all the damage in time for NEXT week's weigh in.

I can echo the Minxster: what a waste!

Reining-in time.
I can do this!
Yes the bad bank holiday faries are very nasty and horrible.

I wish I didn't have to go to WI but don't want to take a holiday so will have to anyway.
Have eaten rubbish since last thursday or friday. However my WI this week is tomorrow.
Can't get back on plan at the mo as there is heaps of choc still in the house - was OH birthday yesterday and he got loads of choc's. Am gonna ask him to hide it tomorrow and also need to get DS to eat his easter eggs.
Tomorrow I'm going shopping when I'm going to pick up loads of SF as well as plan my week - hopefully!
I've already got the SAS logs for next week which I'm hoping will help me to sort my head out.

Hope everyone manages to get back on the wagon and stick themselves on there with superglue!
What i have to say quite selfishly is lovely, I love that after the worst week SW wise i have had in ages i feared coming on here and seeing that i was the only one to be tripped up and bundled by the food fairies!!

Although it is a shame that we havent all sored through it at least we are all in it together for a 100% week and good losses next week.

Im not weighin in tonight, ive been to awful but im back on it and we can all rein it in for next wi!!

I seem to have had a fluke week as I managed a STS this week - I have no idea how I managed it but somehow I did!
I'm planning on getting back on plan from tomorrow - am going to do my food shopping in the morning to get it out of the way and get SF foods in the house! Am also getting out the SAS logs and will fill in everything! Hoping I can get back on track now!
not much dancing being done this week - hahahaha!!! just love how most of us have bunked off......tut,tut!!
I'm dancing for everybody! I need to wobble as much of this acquired lard off as possible.
Yup Im dancing too!!! In a getting back on track, lose some lbs whilst doing it, kind of way!!! :D

So i was not on track 100% yesterday but i did manage to get through most of the day and it was just the evening that tripped me up. I forgot just how hard it is to get back on track!!!

So going for 100% today, made a tuna salad for lunch (see pic in diary) and walked to work (2.5 miles)

Heres hoping today is the beginning of 6 more 100% days!! xx
I didn't walk to work, but I went to the gym at 7.15 this morning, and did my C25K session: up to 16 minutes of running in half an hour!
weighed in this morning lost 1.5 YAY am rather chuffed. i think a wed mid week is better as less likely to cheat on a weekend :)
weighed in this morning lost 1.5 YAY am rather chuffed. i think a wed mid week is better as less likely to cheat on a weekend :)

Well done Ronnie - I usually (with the exception of this week) find that a Monday WI has the same effect for me. If I know I am going to have to face the scales then, I am always very careful over the weekend. I just need to break the habit of going a bit loopy Monday/Tuesday and all will be well!!! :D