From here to Eternally Slim

I wish my WI was a Monday. I'm ALWAYS lighter on Monday than I am on Tuesday!
I suffer from "reverse-weekend syndrome": I hate my job so much, and I get so bored, that I eat more, and worse, during the working day than I do at home at the weekends!
Good afernoon lovelies :)

So sorry not been on here. Have been up to my eyes in it, and I was off on annual leave too. Gym each day, out for lunch, then out in the evening. Had a night out with a guy I met, went ok, but am not lookinig for anything right now other then a giggle and something light hearted too. Have been a bit wobbly still, but to be expected I suppose.

Having a tooth out next Monday under a general, so will be off again for a few days, but this time with a swollen mouth, not looking forward to it, but its gotta happen, so can't wait til its all over now.

Well done on the losses everyone, and so good to see all your messages too. Diet wise, I have maintained, so really need to start kicking some butt now, lol..

Pesty, just seen your Race for Life, so donated onto your link xxx
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Hey EF,

Good to see you back!! Thank you so much for your donation, its so sweet of you!! You've just paid for test slides for 300 women!!! :D

Well done on putting yourself out there you more than deserve to have a giggle with someone, even if that's all it is.

Hope the tooth removal goes ok!! xx
Thanks Pesty, wowww, thats fantastic, glad I can help, and feel priveleged too :).

Hows things been with you?

Really need to get back to loosing myself now, going to the gym and eating out each day, lol.. I maintained, so thinking that way, if I carry on doing what I was doing minus the eating out, I should loose. Its just so hard to get out to a group, but I will keep trying. xxx
Im good thank you huni, been off track last week so trying to be good now and get off any gain i might have had, ive been going through a weird maintenance phase for a while instead of losing!

Family and stuff are ok tho, grandmas had some cancer removed from her face and the tumour in her eye hasnt gotten any worse for a while so all in all things are good!!

How are you doing in your new place?? xx
Great news with your Nan and its good that she will have that quailty of life again too :).

Mainaining is still good Pesty, at least its off what you've lost and nothing gained too, so thats a bonus in my book.

am really enjoying it. So much closer to my son now and its just perfect for the 2 of us. Am saving mad so I can pay off half a years rent next year too, and have ordered myself a newish car, as now get car allowance at work. So pick that up in 2 weeks :).

I've collared my daughter into doing Sw with me, as taking them all away end of August and she needs to loose weight too. Said that we'd do it together, with a WI each Sat morning then off to the gym after. So gonna try and do that rather then going to group and we have agreed to out £2 each in a pot each week,and when we've both lost 2 stone, we'll get out nails done. Got all the books and with this forum too, its all the support I need really. Not had anyone to go to group with really, so this I think will help me and her.

Right, gonna finish my travel expense sheet, and get off home. Its good now it only takes me 5 mins to get back ;) xxx
You sound really up beat hun, Im glad you finally have the happiness you deserve in your life!!

I think that's a great idea with the pot!! I wanted to stop doing SW and do a group at home with a few friends every week but Ive paid soo much already and am close to target so it seems silly to stop now!

Good luck for your daughter! Im sure she'll do just fine having you help her along the way!! xx
Hey EF - glad things are going well - but hope you're tooth heals up quickly and doesn't cause any issues once it's out. All the best with doing SW with your daughter, you know how it all works and I know that you will be fine and will do well hun.

Congrats CD - well done on the loss and the new award :)

Pesty - fingers crossed that target is your's this week hun - you can do it! Good news about your nan as well hun - hope things continue to improve.

I've suffering with bad heartburn at the moment - am also struggling to get back onto the wagon - especially as everything I'm cooking isn't getting eaten by anyone except me - DS seems to be going through a fussy stage and doesn't want to eat.
DH is still going through his not eating much except toast and cereals! Has also been diagnosed with a few more illnesses - am going with him to Dr tomorrow to find out what as he can never remember, but as far as I know he's currently seeing physio, dietian and respiratory consultants. He thinks he's waiting for cardio and physcologist or councellor as well (sorry about the spellings) So tomorrow I'm going with him to try and work out what's actually happening.
DS has an appointment at ENT to get his hearing tested, and is still seeing the speech therapist - he's only saying a few things still so hoping things improve there as well.

Sorry for the long post all about me - just needed to go bleugh!
Well done CD!!!! FANTASTIC LOSS!!! and the new shiney to boot, you must be really pleased!!!

Rosie, you have an awful lot going on at the moment hun!! I hope things go ok at the docs for OH and at ENT for your DS!! Hope your heart burn gets better too!! I always struggle when im only cooking for me, i tend to stick to j pots and salads etc so that i dont have to cook say a whole spag bol and have lots left over. That being said anything left can be frozen for another day??

Thanks all for the kind words about my grandma, its always hard when a family member is terminally ill but she is doing well so im pleased.

Well done CD, great loss honey.

Thanks Rosie and I hope things settle down for you too, you seem to have your hands full.

Why do I do it.. I left early this morning, missed breakfast and stopped at the bakers and ... oh dear, had a sausage roll, and I never even enjoyed it. Hmmmm salad for lunch now and doing a prawn and lots of veg curry tonight for dinner. Wasn't back on the wagon really til tomorrow but wanted to kind of do it today to get back into the swing of things.

Morning, World.

I am firmly back on the wagon, which I managed to get onto last week, but then fell off again on Friday.

So if anyone sees me eating anything I shouldn't, you have my full permission to give me a massive kicking!

Unless I am very lucky, and the pesky scales actually start to shift, I will be out of target range tomorrow, after my prolonged celebratory blow-out. Oops!

But that was a one-off, and I'm back now.
So if do end up having to pay next week, I promise it will be only for 1 week.
Definitely. Promise.

And then I also promise that I will not only be back in range, but
a) back at target itself, and then
b) to my hoped for adjusted target of 3 below that
by my original stated target date. That is 4 weeks away.

So, at the moment, with my inflated blow-out gain, that leaves me needing to lose about 7lb in 4 weeks.
I can do it - but I really might need that kicking. On a regular basis.

And today I'm getting lots of lovely body magic, dancing for Lurverick and The Minxster. Getting knackered though, girls, so please let me know when I can stop!

Sarah, consider yourself kicked daily :).

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)

Weekend was good, followed and tracked to the letter. This morning I had both my HEB's (doing green today), weetabix minis - worked out to 24 of them, so gobbled them up quickly, lol.. as I'm not sure I will be able to eat much later, and if i am able to tonight, then it'll be a tin of speghetti and cheesey mash. Am now on water only. Hate the thought of waiting around for things like this, I know I won't be a good patient, end of fainting etc..:( but heck, dignity on the door step today me thinks. Decided to have both my back teeth taken out, as the one next to the one they are taking out is broke and has been given me jip this weekend, so know its on its way out anyway!

Cleaned floors, and now for shower and a bit of ironing before my sister collects me. Wish me luck!!! lol xxx
Good luck, EF.
I know the waiting's horrible - and the pain won't be much fun either - but you'll be so much better once you've had it done!
Good luck today EF, It will be worth it to be pain free in the long run hun :eek: x x don't half set me some challenges :rolleyes: I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna manage kicking you're backside on my crutches :p:confused: will a slap in the chops with a soggy yorkshire pudding do mucka ?

Dancing & Prancing has begun from me for Luverick & MLM
(Pesty are you a Tuesdayer again with Jimbob?) Anyhoo ..... good luck ladies!!!

I've been a good Dizzy this weekend, I did use ALL my days syns yesterday on a scone with butter & Jam, I'd been looking forward to it all day.....and it sooooo wasnt worth it :sigh: (If it had been twice as big then maybe it would have)
Oooooh and I've managed to get me some of that sainsburys low alch 1 syn lager too, so I'm going to give that a go next time we have a BBQ.

Off now to 'look' at the ironing :wave_cry:
Thanks everyone.

Now for the story as to why im back already..

Got into the unit and it was like a cattle shed, not kidding, rows of seats lined up (so close I had to treat over someone's feet), where I was asked to wait. Front rows were for people who had already been in for an op of some sort, but some clearly were in pain :(. I was so nervous and wanting to run out of there at that point, then the surgeon came up to me and asked me to wait in another spot. So moved, then waited again for 10 mins, a nurse went to move someone to the bed next to me, but didn't know someone was already there.

Picture A & E.. :( on a Saturday night, thats how this was.. I began to panic and I mean panic, asked then to wait in another area, by the doctor just pointing to a seat, no manners at all. Sat there for another 10 mins and started to feel really anxious and then felt faint, so walked to the bay and told them i'd be outside sitting on the bench as felt ill. Got to that bench and fainted.. When I came around I then said i couldn't have the procedure done. They took my BP and said that was low (no kidding, I'd been a wreck) and I said I'd rather come in as an inpatient to a ward then go home the same day. They agreed and sent me home saying they would send me an appt.

Heck..Thought I was going into the ward anyway, wasn't aware it was a cattle shed on display for all to see. I hate hospitals at the best of tmes but this just took the "wee", :(..

Was starving from being Nil by mouth since 8am, so got home, had the left overs from Sat night - Prawn biriyani. So switched from Green to EE, will have to use my syns to count my weetabix mini's from this morn as had 2 HEB's worth. Tonight, its Morrisons eat smart sausages, with sw chips and beans.. mmmmm gonna have 4 of them. Then a huge fruit salad after. Glad I planned ahead and didn't come home and binge on chocolate.

What a day.. xx
Argh EF that sounds like a nightmare!

Dizzy.....thanks for the dancing hun!! well...officially its a 2.5lb gain making me 9st 7lb and therefore 1lb out of range!!! sob!! but im happy with that and i've got a weeks grace so i'll hopefully lose that 1lb at least and be back in range next week.
still dancing until i hear from the lovely minxy and already dancing in advance for jimbobbins and any other tuesday-ers!!

im firmly back on that wagon now and enjoying it all over again oh and better start that dancing earlier now as i now wi at 9.30am on a monday instead of 5.30pm.
EF - so sorry to hear about your experience today and really hope that you get your appointment through soon to go in as an inpatient, and that it's an altogether better experience next time round! You have been so good not to binge - would have been the first thing I would have done!

Luverick - you will lose that 1lb next week no bother I'm sure of that hun :)

Well WI today was quite good - only 1.5 on so am happy enough with that - have been feeling like the bump has really exploded on me the last couple of days - feels like a watermelon under my clothes at the moment - although two people today who I had to speak to were surprised when I said I had 5 weeks till my due date - not sure if I should be pleased or worried by that one as not sure if they just thought I was fat or not!

Anyway I hope everyone else is doing well.
Well done, Rosie. You're so nearly there now!

Everybody else - please dance.
I need somebody, or something, to make the blasted scales move.
3 solid days of 100%, heaps of superfree - and they're not budging in the slightest!
What has a girl got to do to get them shifting?