Thanks everyone.
Now for the story as to why im back already..
Got into the unit and it was like a cattle shed, not kidding, rows of seats lined up (so close I had to treat over someone's feet), where I was asked to wait. Front rows were for people who had already been in for an op of some sort, but some clearly were in pain

. I was so nervous and wanting to run out of there at that point, then the surgeon came up to me and asked me to wait in another spot. So moved, then waited again for 10 mins, a nurse went to move someone to the bed next to me, but didn't know someone was already there.
Picture A & E..

on a Saturday night, thats how this was.. I began to panic and I mean panic, asked then to wait in another area, by the doctor just pointing to a seat, no manners at all. Sat there for another 10 mins and started to feel really anxious and then felt faint, so walked to the bay and told them i'd be outside sitting on the bench as felt ill. Got to that bench and fainted.. When I came around I then said i couldn't have the procedure done. They took my BP and said that was low (no kidding, I'd been a wreck) and I said I'd rather come in as an inpatient to a ward then go home the same day. They agreed and sent me home saying they would send me an appt.
Heck..Thought I was going into the ward anyway, wasn't aware it was a cattle shed on display for all to see. I hate hospitals at the best of tmes but this just took the "wee",

Was starving from being Nil by mouth since 8am, so got home, had the left overs from Sat night - Prawn biriyani. So switched from Green to EE, will have to use my syns to count my weetabix mini's from this morn as had 2 HEB's worth. Tonight, its Morrisons eat smart sausages, with sw chips and beans.. mmmmm gonna have 4 of them. Then a huge fruit salad after. Glad I planned ahead and didn't come home and binge on chocolate.
What a day.. xx