From here to Eternally Slim

More dancing? It's working for me! Just reporting in, was an official 1lb gain last night, which as I was bottom end of target anyway was the only way I could have gone, without staying the same. And it probably would have been a maintain had I not insisted on testing the cupcakes I made for group. Happy to still be under target. Have to be a bit careful with the dancing that I don't overdo it but I am currently holding a salsa class in the doctors waiting room while I wait to see the GP who is running late. He should be dancing late, really.
Then I am off to town to see if I can get my phone fixed and get some brownie uniform for eldest daughter, she started last week and reaaaally wants her uniform already. So hopefully I can pick up what she needs and might treat myself to a mooch round Primani while I am there. Good luck for tonight tuesdayers!
Sorry the Hospital appt didnt go too well EF :( sounds awful how it was set out :eek: But well done for coming home & sticking to plan!

Luverick,Rosie.....Teeny Weeny gains that can be off by next week :)

MLM well done Mrs ;) (bet your Drs waiting room was livelier than usual with the salsa class :D)

Jimbob & Pesty, Ive been dancing like a mad'ed since 5.30 this morning (had a short break while I got my food in Toby carvery) but I jiggled in my seat while I ate ;) Good luck for tonight!!!!!!
Thanks for the dancing!! Good luck to other Tuesdays!!!

MLM well done on staying in target hun, hope you get your phone sorted and the brownie costume!!

Luverick, im sure you'll get that lb off in no time and be back in the target range!!

Rosie, not long to go now hun!! You've done so well SW wise throughout your whole pregnancy, what an inspiration!!

EF sorry about the hospital appointment!! Hope it all gets rearranged properly for you soon!!
Consider all my dancing as 2 for 1 :D baby is bopping away right now so we're both dancing for you all :)

Thanks Pesty, CD and Jim - I know i'll have a fair bit of catch up to do after baby arrives but am hoping it will come off ok. At least up until I'm back at the weight I was at.

Thanks everyone, it was traumatic and won't want to go back in there, thats for sure.

Pesty..:) well done you.. you did it, and I knew you would. That is excellent news and one that deserves ultra dancing (she says wiggling in her office chair, lol).

Did well yesterday, stayed pretty much on track, even when I had to go out with the team at work for someones birthday, I chose wisely and had free food after. I had a peep on the scales this morning and since WI on Sat, I've already lost 4lb!! So Im doing it right at least. Lots of water today, lots of sf fruit and a huge salad from morrisons for lunch. Going to the gym tonight, then aqua aerobics.

Good luck for any WI's today xxx
YAY! Well done Pesty! Bout time you called target :D

Jimbo, a pound is a mere wee away. You'll be in range next week, as will Mrs Lurverlurver.
I'd better be, Ms Minx. I'd better be.
Otherwise those scales have got it coming to them!
Well Done Pesty You made Target.... Wooooohooooo !!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
I'm soooooo chuffed for ya hunni x x x

Do we have any Wednesday Weighers now (I get all confused....doesn't take much lol :eek:)

EF well done on the sneaky peak results ;) and big pats on the back for making good choices at the Birthday Bash :p

Jimbob & Luverick you will be back in Target by next week:)......that just leaves me, Rosie, EF, & Ronnie does it??

Damn I want me a Target shiney soooooooo Bad now! :D;) Hope the target posse will carry on dancing & pompom shaking to get us there x x

Have a good day all !!
Yay - many many congrats pesty :D :D you did it girl :)

EF sounds like things are back on plan for you. :)

CD - I'm sure you will be getting your target before long as well and will be able to join the targeter's on here :)
I've got a long way to go although I am hoping once bubba arrives that will help!
Good morning

What a lovely day, hope everyone is well.

My mate I usually go to the gym with, had let me down on Tues and Weds, Tues, I couldn't be asked to go on my own, so.. yesterday, was all geared up to going and she did it again. But.. drum rolll, lol.. I went on my own, did the treadmill for 20 mins, then toning machines for 15, then finished on the bike for 12 mins too, then swam 10 lengths. So am very focussed and hope that continues. My wardrobe has no clothes in that really fit me, too small, so I really need to keep this up, so i can get back into them. Don't want to go an buy anything really, as I do feel that I can keep this up and then they'll be no good. But might just have a shifty in Peacocks in my lunch break to see if there are any cheap bits I can at least wear for work. As I seem to be wearing the same things now, which is a bit embarrassing.

Anyway, I will stop moaning now, lol..

EF - good work on getting to the gym without your friend!! Sometimes it's such a push to motivate yourself to go when others let you down!!

Diz excellent work on the 2lb off hun!! I can see the new shiney in the distance!! xx
Dizy.. excellent results hun, well done and great news for the weekend. Have a date tonight, so not going to the gym, its going to TGI's, so have planned ahead and its going to be Chicken breast with JD's sauce and salad, lots of diet coke and I'll have one glass of wine. Don't want to go over board and don't want him to think that I'm a greedy lass, lol..

What a lovely day again and Happy Friday 13th to everyone :) xxx
Hope your date goes well EF!!! Is it someone you already know? (Just being nosy like!!!)
I am being SO good. I was sorely tempted to get an indian tonight, but instead, I am making diet coke chicken to try. That said, I do have plans to go on my first raid of a Krispy Kreme store on Monday for a post weigh in treat. People keep talking about them and there isnt a local one, so I will have to travel a bit, but its important in the interests of research, I think, to test these things out... :D

Hope your headache is gone CD, I had a two day one earlier this week and I HATE them!
just got online for the fist time in 3 or 4 days and noticed that pesty made target!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! congrats hun - really pleased for you:D:D

and dizzy - well done on that loss hun.

ef....have a good date and be sure to report back here:D

Minxy - dont you be blaming me when you is hopelessley addicted to then darn krispy kremes!!

still hoping i can pull off a 1lb loss for monday but its doubtful,i had a blow out on tuesday but have been super dooper 100% with copious amounts of s and ss fruit,green tea and fish!!!! so fingers crossed and lots of dancing please:eek: