Evening Steve x
Hey, good loss hunni! All that worry...and then you go and pull 5lbs out the bag! I seem to remember a little birdie (not just little but almost SKINNY actually! ) telling you it'd be ok?
As for the bowing down...
In your dreams sunshine!!! ;-)
But you said I am always in your dreams, dominating your every waking moment too
Hee hee - she'll be getting on one in just over 12 hours!
Well done on the 5 lbs off. If only I could manage to do that I'd smash target! And in a week!!!! Go Stevie Go. So close to that Century club![/COLOR]
I always have big gains/losses Bev

- when I was approaching target (in April) the week before target I needed 4lb loss to reach the 11st 5lb as I was 11st 9lb - I weighed in that week and astonishly lost 8.5lb! I not only reached target, but went 0.5lb below the minimum range
I seldom do STS's or 0.5's lol
I Put it all down to the exercise and not just the food. No other reason for it, exhaustive gym sessions followed by mammoth walks really helped me. - If only more people had the time to dedicate to a few hours in the moors of a weekend, the weight would drop of them
Wow - you are a SW superhero!

I wish I was having the same success... My weight has been up and down (one gain undeserved and the last one undeserved). I had a sneaky peak this morning and after being 100% for four days, even resisting my daughter's birthday cake (!), I have so far lost a poxy half a pound :-(. I know it's not weigh in day yet but.......
Ich liebe Dich
Ooh Shrinki!
You've done it now!
Fancy calling Stevie babe a super hero!
We'll never hear the end of it now...!
You be quiet madam. Shenzi is my very own "Swiss Miss" - I just wish I could make the food diary a little more exciting for you. I trust you appreciate it is more about weight loss than gastronomic delights.
Tonight I made a big decision to have as a reward for my loss an Indian takeaway

- not the smartest of moves, but having discussed the merits of a local takeaway at work no-stop for the past week, having had a good loss I treated myself.
Delicious, off plan, syn city - not even bothering (proper flexi day - write it off). I feel guilty now, but have plenty of time to get back to where I need to be.
Just means no more extra easy days for a week.
PS it was delicious so the guilt is tempered by the (pleasant) memory.
Most people have a treat after WI - I guess I did too
PS my belly hurts