Hello everyone
Quite a weekend one way or another. Very busy (as I like it) with hardly time to draw breath!
The "do" was great (as always - our family get togethers are always a pleasure - I know not a lot of people can say the same, unfortunately:cry

My cousin Deborah, loved the attention on her 40th lol. Various branches of the family were represented. I had to leave early, but as a stand-in for my mother, I always attend these events - she'd haunt me if I never lol. It is something I look forward to, even though I was alcohol-free (took car) and walking today.
I loved the buffet though - extra easy day to accomodate all the prawns, cockles, mussels etc. but enough celery carrot, tomatoes, peppers etc. to keep me honest
Loads of NSV's - a few not even recognising me! oh and not one mention of the awesome SkinnyDawn - which was nice
Best part was me giving my SW speech - I call it this as it is amazing the amount of times I have to tell the same tale after the usual "How much have you lost? - in 9 months? what's the secret?"
Worst part was seeing my cousin Marie, sister of the recently deceased Brian, but she coped admirably. Her hubby as usual wasn't there to support her (no doubt it was Saturday night and he needed to be elsewhere)
I left approx 9.30pm to get back to my rambling preparations, packing, packed lunch etc. Had a great day there in good weather and lovely North Yorkshire fresh air. 7 miles in total. Should sleep like a baby tonight
Thanks for the good wishes everyone, and whilst we were not particularly close, it still becomes obvious each family meeting our numbers dwindle
Was easy to be 100% - was a red day today, half a chicken awaited my return (slow cooker) the other half is tomorrow's dinner! Ham sandwich for a mountaineer's lunch with various crudités - I like that word - I'm gonna say it again....crudités thrown in the box (carrots, cucumber, celery with a few toms).
Defo need to go shopping now, I'm away first thing next Friday for a weekend at a Youth Hostel with walks planned for Friday, Saturday & Sunday

3 days without my kitchen, cooking facilities are provided and amenities include a pub and various takeaways! - i like a challenge!!!