From Maximus to Minimus - coming soon!

I've just found out from an aunt that one of my cousins has died. He was just 52 and seemingly a massive heart attack - details are skechy at present. We were not particularly close, him being 6 yeas older than I, and he moved away from the area many years ago now. Living in Cambridgeshire.

Still a shock - especially when you recall days of yesteryear and family get togethers at Christmas etc. Going to be a very srange/sombre 40th birthday bash for my cousin Deborah tomorrow night now:(

Rubbish start to the weekend.

Catch everyone later.....

Sorry to hear your sad news hunni x
Hiya Steve - so sorry about your cousin. As you say, a pants start to the weekend but still try to relax and enjoy the precious time you get away from the office.
JackieN said:
Good morning Steve, hope you are okay? How was the 40th? Did anyone not recognise you being so slim now (though not as slim as Dawn :giggle: ) xxxxx

Luv you Jackie!!! ;-)
So sorry to hear of your sad news Steve. You seem to have had more than your fair share of losses over the last year or so. Hope you are ok and sending you a big hug xx
Hello everyone;)

Quite a weekend one way or another. Very busy (as I like it) with hardly time to draw breath!

The "do" was great (as always - our family get togethers are always a pleasure - I know not a lot of people can say the same, unfortunately:cry:) My cousin Deborah, loved the attention on her 40th lol. Various branches of the family were represented. I had to leave early, but as a stand-in for my mother, I always attend these events - she'd haunt me if I never lol. It is something I look forward to, even though I was alcohol-free (took car) and walking today.

I loved the buffet though - extra easy day to accomodate all the prawns, cockles, mussels etc. but enough celery carrot, tomatoes, peppers etc. to keep me honest:cool:

Loads of NSV's - a few not even recognising me! oh and not one mention of the awesome SkinnyDawn - which was nice;)

Best part was me giving my SW speech - I call it this as it is amazing the amount of times I have to tell the same tale after the usual "How much have you lost? - in 9 months? what's the secret?"

Worst part was seeing my cousin Marie, sister of the recently deceased Brian, but she coped admirably. Her hubby as usual wasn't there to support her (no doubt it was Saturday night and he needed to be elsewhere)

I left approx 9.30pm to get back to my rambling preparations, packing, packed lunch etc. Had a great day there in good weather and lovely North Yorkshire fresh air. 7 miles in total. Should sleep like a baby tonight:cool:

Thanks for the good wishes everyone, and whilst we were not particularly close, it still becomes obvious each family meeting our numbers dwindle:(

Was easy to be 100% - was a red day today, half a chicken awaited my return (slow cooker) the other half is tomorrow's dinner! Ham sandwich for a mountaineer's lunch with various crudités - I like that word - I'm gonna say it again....crudités thrown in the box (carrots, cucumber, celery with a few toms).

Defo need to go shopping now, I'm away first thing next Friday for a weekend at a Youth Hostel with walks planned for Friday, Saturday & Sunday:eek: 3 days without my kitchen, cooking facilities are provided and amenities include a pub and various takeaways! - i like a challenge!!!
Evening strolling Steve x

Glad you had a good time at the party hunni x And how brilliant to have members of your own family not recognise you! :bliss:

Bit surprised no one had heard of me though...:confused:

And I'm pleased you're getting in a bit of practice for our trot out in December. 7 miles eh? If we do the reservoir that Sarah and I had in mind, that's 7 miles so might be a good option :D

Dawnie x
Sarah and I did over 11 miles with the wild winds whipping in off the North Sea - I expect to beat that at least:cool:


Did you mean two laps Dawnie?

Don't worry, I'll support the pair of you - Mumsie will be proud :family2:
Well I was thinking the res might be a nice little pre amble before breakfast hunni...;-)
The one I was originally thinking of is about 12. But a lot of it is off road - across fields and stuff - and I thought that might be a bit dubious in December.
So I had to think of one that was circular, but with suitable surfaces under-foot.

We could always jog round it twice, if you wanted! Dawn & I would be up for that, I'm sure...
Sounds like a plan:cool:

I bet Jackie can't contain herself any longer and wantsto join in too right Jax?;)

Oh I began my mini-challenge today!!!

NSN - No Salt November!

I've decided to give it a go - Like many people, we all have too much salt (I am quite guilty as charged in this respect) so as a mini-challenge I'll see how it goes. Most food has enough salt in it anyway!

A lot easier than recent challenges such as no bread for a month and the 200 mile walking one lol.

Very quiet on these forums of late. Everyone in hibernation?
I'm not doing movember - not this year - two or three years ago I did similar for Comic Relief (full beard & tash) then died it red and took calls on the night (our company often helps out taking money for Comic Relief - we used to do Children in Need too).

My wondrous facial hair is reminiscent of Father Christmas's in colour. Makes me look older than I really am;)

The fact I'll not see erm, 30 again makes me feel old of a morning:p
WI tonight and feeling pretty rubbish:cry: not very fit at present. Whilst not exactly man-flu (phew eh?)

Definitly a cold. Thanks to the savage air-con @ work. Now I need to be wrapped in cotton wool for the next 36 hours or so as travelling to Wooler (Northumberland) Friday morning for 3 days of walking. A massive body magical weekend planned so need to be fit and well.

On the plus side, I've managed to turn back the years cos it sounds like my voice is breaking:eek:

Another 100% week here, but usual fear of the scales. I'm gonna call it Libraphobia! (did you see what I did there?)

Will be disappearing until Sunday evening/Monday. I know you'll all fret, but try not to worry:p
3lb loss tonight. Cheers me up from this man flu and now bang on my WI target of 10st 12lb.

In the 3 WI's since Florida I have lost 5lb, 4.5lb and now 3lb - so 12.5 and back on target at exactly 10st 12lb.

Of course the dream is 10st 5lb and just 7lb away from it - with 3 days walking planned this weekend. Still not sure about reducing my target as each time I do, I have a gain:cry:

Will see what next week brings - I am comfortable in that I have plus or minus 3lb to play with.

I think I gve up the SOTW award this week by not staying - but I had to get stuff ready and attend to my actifry:cool: