I see!
First I'm a Bimbo...
Then I'm gobby...
But when you WANT me I'm "Dearest Dawniepops"!!!
On yer bike sunshine! ;-)
Very big of you to admit in front of all the group you're not up to the task sweetpea

- Now they'll all know it was only my motivation and PM's etc. that got you to target - after all, I did get there first
Hmmmmmmmmmm not sure I'm liking the sound of this hardcore malarkey
It's a bit of a bugger when you're frightened to post on your own thread!!!
Have any of you seen that magnificent movie, The Usual Suspects?
Well you are ALL The Usual Suspects. For those that know the movie, be careful, for I am Keyser Sose

- if that makes no sense, I suggest you rent the movie
Still struggling with cold here (way, way beyond Man Flu (Influenzus Masculinus) made a few glaring errors at work today. Not good when it affects your 9 to 5 routine:cry:
Food is crap too. No appetite, for example;
Breakfast - scrambled eggs - cappuccino (2.5 syns)
Lunch - bag of crisps, (9 syns) diet coke
Dinner - ham salad, crispbread & laughing cow (haxa+hexb)
And didn't shop!
Will see how I feel tomorrow and may shop then. Otherwise will raid the cupboards and knock up something from all the accumulated stored stuff, Savoury rice, cous cous, pasta n sauce, mugshots etc.
I think a good movie and early night might help. I hate being like this - rarely happened to the fat Steve:cry: