Hey Curls

Good to hear you are getting some time with your mum. The treatment can be brutal so it sounds like she is doing well so far. I hope the holiday is a good focus for her. Lots of love to you and to her too xxx
Hi Red, how strange, I was just going to visit you on your thread, as I've been a bit neglectful of other Minners lately and here you are popping in to see me!! How's tricks Chica? Looks like you're doing fantastically, and you seem to be really embracing it again! Inspiring as ever!!

Yes Mum isn't too tired out but she's having a top-up of the new B drug as they call it (the usual A drug being the main Carboplatin which they always use) so perhaps it will catch up with her in a few days time! Her problem is that even when she's tired she doesn't give in and finds it hard to rest- she's such an on the go type of person!

Keep up the great work, luv Hevz xxxxx
Evening chica - sounds as though you need to chain her to a chair for a few days of enforced rest ! :eek:

More of these coming your way :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:
Evening chica. Are you back home yet or still with your mum?
:hug99: to you both
Hey Bev, Red, Kals and Donna! Thanks so much for your messages! Things have been hectic to say the least! I've just worked 6 nights and 1 long day in the last 8 days and in the middle of it Mum was admitted to hospital as became poorly as a result of her haemoglobin and platelets dropping dangerously low! All to do with the chemo attacking bone marrow by all accounts! She's home now and feeling better but drained! I finished my nights this morning and am now back at my parents', but this time to go to a wedding tomorrow! My bezzie has come down with me as we're both going! No hubby though! So its nice to be able to spend some time with the parents too, although they won't see much of us!! I bought my Mum a Kindle to cheer her up and she's really delighted with it!

Hope you girls are all well and behaving! I'll be catching up properly on all your diaries soon! When things have settled down I'll be back with my tail between my legs and having gained a good few pounds! I can't attend class until Mon 11th but will do my very best to cut right back during the week leading up to it!!

Look after yourselves xxxxxxxxxx
Hiya chica - good to see you here.
Sounds as though your mum is going through a pretty tough time at the mo. Give her a hug from me :hug99:

It sounds as though you are having it a bit tough too! Lots of long hours are definately not good for the soul!
So sending you a hug too :hug99:

Lots of us struggling on the weight front on the DGs thread - although Red is going great guns and putting us all to shame.

Have a lovely time at the wedding and hope to speak to you again soon
Nice to get an update Hev
Sounds like you've been extremely busy all round
Bless your mum give her a hug from me too xx
Evening/Morning Chica (well it is 2am here)

I'll be awol now until 11th June (in UK with no internet) so have a lovely Jubilee and speak to you soon

Hello my lovely; just catching up on diaries after a leave of absence - I'm so very sorry to hear about your Mum; we got confirmation on Friday that my Mum has bowel cancer and will be having laproscopic surgery then a course of chemo - surgery within 3 weeks. Am still trying to get my head around it all but Mum determined that it's business as usual so we're not postponing the wedding (end of Sept) as Mum been told that chemo can be worked around it.

SW wise I'm trying to be back on plan, looks like you're doing really well with everything going on.

Anyway, just to say am thinking of you,

Lots of love, DD xxxx
Hiya chica - hope you're ok. I've been and come back from the UK and no sign of you here or on the DGs fred.

So sorry to hear about your mum. I hope she's back a bit better now.

Do let us know how she is getting on - and you too chica.

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Hi ladies, Bev, Melissa, Donna, Kals The support means so much to me! I've already posted on your individual freds but you guys are all such lovely ladies and great pals!! Sorry I have abandoned ship over the past few weeks!! Back on track now though and food diaries to follow also this week to keep me focused and aware of what I'm putting in my big gob!!!!

DD hiiiiii!!!!! Long time no speak!! Thanks for your words of support also and here's offering you support on your own Mum's situation!! It's scary stuff and just when you think you've got your head around one bit of news and adapted to the situation, another shock comes like a bolt out of the blue to stir things up again!! I don't know if you ever told me where in Devon you live- maybe you did but it was probably a really long time ago!!! I'm from Exeter and my parents still live there, so my Mum goes to the RD&E for her treatment- how about your Mum?! You never know, they may end up in the same room together having chemo!! Sounds like your Mum has a positive attitude to it all which does help, but I can't imagine what's REALLY going on in their heads!! I hope my Mum is honest with me about her feelings- she's a very open, verbal type of person but I hope she's not just trying to be strong for everyone elso!! Is your Dad still around? It's my Dad I worry about more than my Mum in many ways!! He's the hen-pecked one!!! Anyway wishing you all the best and let me know how she gets on!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX