Ellebear said:I've not posted cos I've been text hassling you xx
Lots of love for you x
Bless mum she is bound to be exhausted chemo is totally draining bless her
Fingers crossed for some good news come the results of the scan etc
Love Kindles I'm on my second one now as I had a bog standard one
at the start but wanted a better model
You'll have to get mum to download 50 shades of grey that'll put some
colour in her cheeks ....
((huggles Hev))
Mumma K said:Lol at mum and not transferring 50 shades to her kindle
My mum would have been horrified by it bless her she was
very prudish about that kind of thing
Loopeylou said:Bless your mum, my mum suffers from osteoarthritis and does way too much and then suffers big time. 20 years on with it she's still not taking it easy!!
I love my kindle, had the same reservations but couldn't and wouldn't be without it now
I'm good thanks, we had a fantastic hols and now planning to book again for next yearcost is a fortune but Florida just turns us all onto big kids lol
Loads of love to you and your family xx
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