Never gets tired of SW!
Yes Christmas was tough but ok. Dad is still around and had been ok too.
My Mum was ill for nearly 3 years but it was always hoped she would get better. She had something I can't pronounce (a neurological disease), this rendered her bed ridden for the last 2 years and she ended up with a urinary tract infection which killed her. That's the first time I've written it down. She was 67.
Sorry if too much x
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Thanks so much Lisa for sharing that with me. Mum's was ovarian cancer and she was diagnosed 3 1/2 years before she passed away. We knew from the start that she had been diagnosed too late (after being mis-diagnosed 2 years before!!!! That's another story...sigh!!!) Mum was realistic from the start and knew it would get her but in another sense she lived life to the full as if nothing was wrong!! You would never have known if it wasn't for the occasion she lost her hair through chemo but that was only for a few months after one particular form of treatment. She was fortunate that she had nearly 3 years when she was fairly well- she and Dad travelled to lots of places in the world- she was out in the garden whenever she could, or going on walking holidays, picnics, visits to us and also my brother. She saw lots of her four grandchildren (my brothers') and just before she finally passed away she said she said she had no regrets. She was taken too early at the age of 71, and a very young 71 at that, but she always said that old age with all its ailments and fragilities wouldn't suit her and in a funny way I think she was right. Her last days in the hospice were the most dignified we could hope for and in some ways I would say the end was a positive one but only because there had to be an end!!
It really is comforting to chat to people who have been through it/are going through it! Don't get me wrong I have been totally overwhelmed by all the support I've had and my faith in human nature has increased a thousand fold!! But I don't think anyone REALLY understands properly until they go through it! I'm so sorry your Mum's experience was riddled with problems of immobility which I'm sure in itself led to other complications, the UTI you mention being one of them and unfortunately a fatal one!! It must be strange to write that down for the first time!
It's not too much- it's really good to talk about it!
Lots of love you know where I am if you want to share anymore. Feel free to offload on here or PM me if you'd prefer sometime.