pesty said:Good luck for getting back on track sweetie! Glad you enjoyed the Lion King!! I've never been to a show before!!! x
Ellebear said:Where are you Hevvie??? where is your food diary?xxxx
Ooh Pesty u must! Going to shows is one of my fave things in the world! X
Hello you, just thought I'd pop by to say 'hi' - happy belated birthday for Wednesday! I'm back on track as of tomorrow too hun, life really does get in the way sometimes - have a fab week xxx
LittleSausage said:So great that you've managed to get back on track! Hope you had a lovely weekend, and good lick for your WI! xx
Hi folks!!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of you who are Mums, stepmums etc.!!! You do a great job!!
I've been taking a bit of a break this week and have been completely off plan!! It was a conscious decision because it was Birthday week and I had so many meals out that I decided to eat what I fancied and now I plan to deal with the consequences after what I'm sure will be a rather hefty gain tomorrow night!!
*Sheds a tear of sorrow as noone left any messages here to say they missed me...:sign0163:*
Will be back here tomorrow night or Tuesday morning and 100% back on track to shift that gain!! Hope you have all been keeping well and have been little angels!! Catch up soon.....XXX
Wow funcurls! just read throguh your diary! and what a journey! xx
aaw funcurls i missed you , nice to have you back and your right life does get in te way somtimes,never mind,il be eagerly reading your posts now your back and happy belated b-day for last week x
I missed you!! I've been busy too though and not been able to do my usual round of diary visits so I'm having a catch up just now.
A belated very happy birthday to you lovely girl, I hope you had a week every bit as fabulous as you are.
I also had a bit of an off plan moment yesterday and I feel terrible about it - worse still I'll have another next weekend. I'm nowehere near target though so it's pretty bad.
Hope you have a 100% week Heather and if you gain I hope it isn't nearly as bad as you think it will be xxx
Aww thanks SWP!! That's very sweet of you to take the time!! Hope you didn't need matchsticks to hold your eyes open lol!!! Well it's certainly the scenic route for me, chipping away at it!! Can't wait to get to target, but I'll have to wait some time considering the big gain that's coming up at WI tonight!! But I'm so much happier in myself now and enjoying clothes so much I'm no longer in any real hurry!! Good luck with your journey! I see you've just started! XXXX