Get to slinky again and staying there ......

I am half way to 50lbs off! I really didn't expect I could do it without external classes etc and just eating ordinary meat/fish, veggies, good fats and a few nuts.

Posting here is really helpful. Thank you, Dear Minimins friends! And , , and Dr Jason Fung!

1.6lbs off this week - a bit of a surprise as I had a carb day last week which had ticked the scales right up.

Memo to self - don't buy freshy baked white loaves for Mr AG. I so nearly made regular scones yesterday. I am glad I didn't today! I did make keto scones - I don't usually bake as it's so easy to eat too much almond flour goodies.

So week 11 - and 25.2lbs on a flexible low carb way of eating, eating when hungry, often not breaking fast until 1 or 2pm - later on Airbnb turnaround days. Still drinking the Lidl equivalent of Pepsi Max and the very occasional diet red bull.

Month Three: 3.6 lbs down I 1.4lbs I 0.6lbs I 1.6lbs > 25.2lbs down in 83 days > 7.9% > 293.4lbs > 20 stone 13.4lbs

Next stops: 2 stone down, into the 19s and 10% off ... and I hope a size down in jeans

I seem to remember it took 4 stone off last time for anyone to notice. But then the only one who I see is Mr AG - and he notices nowt!
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Thats great news Ali, half way there and more importantly done through sustainable life changes rather than deprivation.
Well done on getting into the 20’s - you’re doing so well, I’m delighted for you 👏
I am a daily weigher. I handle the ticks up some days. I know weight loss isn't a straightline game.

I think I've only had one (or perhaps 2 days) when I've gone really off track on my way of eating. Another day I planned and ate fish & chips on a trip out. Interestingly I couldn't eat it all - so I finished it for supper. I still lost weight that week.

Those psychological number are very motivating to me too. I've just realised that in 3.5lbs time, I'll be so well on my way down, I will have less than 100lbs to shed. I'll count lbs, % and stones - any chip down in the big numbers motivates me.

This am, I weighed myself again after having peed for a second time - and I have shed 2 stone 0.2lbs. That feels good.

That's 28.2lbs in 90 days. I had some big losses in my first couple of weeks as glycogen released water from body. It's been 90 days and works out as 0.3lb a day - 8.85% of the starting weight. Still not down a size in trews, yet. Just looser at the waist.

This is the first time I have consistently followed a way of eating that delivers weight loss without paying for a weight loss club or other support. I think that's a combination of clarity of plan (no white stuff, low carb, medium protein, good fats, intermittent fasting ie eating once or twice a day, alcohol occasionally - maybe 2 or 3 times in nearly 3 months), the plan meaning I don't feel hungry so no snacks, daily tracking, and a weekly weigh in here.

I also think having shed weight on a vlcd previously (and regained over some years), I know I can lose weight. Still a surprise to find myself here 90 days on having done so! 28.2 lbs down - just 102.4lbs (or so) to go!!

And I love now, at last, seeing my ladybird tick across my ticker.
You're doing a great job, I definitely think that anything focussing on less carbs really helps, it's miserable when you're on a 'diet' and hungry all the time, these plans take that constant temptation away. It still isn't easy but it definitely helps!.
A bit annoying weigh in for me this week - just 0.8lb short of 2 stone - having gone up a lb overnight on daily weighing.

So 1 stone 13.2lbs lost in 92 days - 8.5% & over half way to shedding 50lbs by Xmas. No change in clothing size yet - although my trews are lose at the waist.

Just under 23lbs to gone on the 50lbs to Xmas challenge.

Month Three was I 1.4lbs I 0.6lbs I 1.6lbs I 2lbs this week so 5.6 lbs down - an average of 1.4lbs a week.

l really don't understand the variations in weekly losses - why some weeks I've shed 1/2lb and other weeks 1 1/2lbs or more. It's doesn't really matter as long as I keep tracking downwards.

If I can sustain that average rate, I'll shed nearly 2 1/2 stone more by Xmas. In a year, I'll be 15 1/2 stone, 73lbs down. Maths is not my strong pont - but I reckon I'll have shed 10% of my starting weight when I'm almost in the 19s.

In one way, I'd like to be on a vlcd with a stone off a month and into the 14 stones by Xmas. But I've had a couple of false starts on vlcds - and know I am unlikely to sustain it without supervision. I am wondering if I can do OMAD or maybe a 5:2 with shakes to speed it up. But at the mo, I'm just plodding on.
Ali, I think you are doing great. It may be a bit annoying that you missed a milestone this week but that just means it's still there to aim for. It's a goal you created to achieve not a failure line. From reading through your diary the eating like a bear approach seems to be the one you have had the most sustainable success with.
I don't know. I struggle with maths - from my weight loss this week, it looks as though I was actually more than 2 stone down last week and had lost a lb more in previous weeks. But anyhow I am pleased to be 1.2lbs down this week -so 289.4lbs and 29.4lbs 2st1.4lb (9.23%) down well over half way to shedding 50lbs by Xmas.

The on-going results of eating low carb are amazing. Slower than a vlcd - but much easier than when I've done SW and WW. Mentally easier than a vlcd as I'm eating great food daily. I've not done a 24 hour fast yet as my current way of eating is working for me and the delays iin eatiing are natural, not a forced drama.

Dr Jason Fung says grehlin, the ‘hunger hormone’ which turns on our appetites, spikes more in women than men. This is why women seem to have more cravings and compulsion to eat when dieting. When fasting, grehlin drops faster for women than men. So that's probably the mechanism making it easer for me.

I am skipping a meal at breakfast time and eat when hungry usually betwen 1 and 3pm. I eat low carb and usually fast for 16 to 18 or more hours ie I don't eat from 8pm or so until midday to 2pm or later. Occassonally I'm hungry earlier but rarely breakfast earlier than 11 or midday. I eat agin later usually between 6-8pm.

I do need to make good decisions. One decision is not buying carby sweet stuff at the supermarket eg carrs cheese melts or a donut treat for the car ride home etc.

Last night I fancied joining Mr AG in a late sandwch. I wasn't hungry - just liked the idea of of a peanut butter sandwich and the companionship. The idea of the mouthfeel and taste was really good, I was makng a cheese and peanut (yuk!) sandwich for him because he is iill. So I decided it was check in today and it would be frustrating not to have shed more than 2 stone, so I had a small bit of peanut butter and didn't eat. I was so close to sliiding into eating a peanut butter sandwich! I rarely snack now.

I do delay eating when hungry on airbnb changeover days. I prefer not to clean on a full stomache and not to eat during or before cleaning. So I almost always decide to finish turnaround before eating. Being busy makes it easier.

Today is a changeover day - so although I'm just startig to feel peckish, I'll be cleaning by the time I am actually hungry so will then will delay eating until I'm done - maybe 3 or 4pm. I check in with myself as see if I'm hungry after cleaning. Sometimes (often!), I am hungry or very hungry. Some times, I am not hungry so then I delay and eat maybe around 5pm. Extraordinary.

PS The delay in the tracker showing my progress does my head in!!

PPS: Learn more here

Edited to add; POST WEIGH IN UPDATE So I just went to the toilet. I was awake most of last niight so have slept in and had a lazy start to the day. I couldn't resist weighing myself again. I am now at 288.4 - having as my grandpa would have said , opened my bowels. That's 0.8lb less than my weigh in report. So as a daily weigher (or today a twice daily weigher), I will change my profile and the tracker. I never increase it if I tick up tomorrow except on weigh in days.
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Thats great news Ali. I weigh in daily too but only count Fridays weight. Doing it faily keeps me on track. A rise today makes me nore focussed for tomorrow.
Yesterday I ate one meal. Salad, pork and a creamy sauce/dressng. I had a creamy coffee too - within a 2 hour window - so 22:2.

This morning I have ticked down again. The Ticker shows less than 100lbs to go now. That feels good. 3 more chunks of tIme to lose the same again - and I am almost at goal.
Hey @AliGal

I will admit I haven't read through all of your diary but I have already requested to join the Eat Like a Bear group on FB. I love the sound of that so thanks for that!

You are doing so well and less than 100lbs to go now - yayyyyyyy!!!

I'll be keeping up to date with you now, like a little online cheerleader.

Oh I'm also a daily weigher and not gonna lie I do get tempted to weigh more than once a day :classic_tongue:

Thank you, Dolly! I have to confess to jumping on the scales more than once on occasion. It's always in the morning. As I get up late, there's more scope!

I am inspired by Eat Lke a Bear - but do not consistently eat a ridculously big salad. I'm looking forward to her cooked RBS book.
I got the invite to the page but I need to register for her website and watch a video to answer questions before I can do that.

Will do that today at some point.

I look forward to jumping on the scales in the morning, sets me up for the day.

Lovely. I'm not posting on the ELAB groups but love the motvation of seeing women my age and older losing more than 100lbs.

Wow. I was 296.6lbs on 31 May. Today, I am 287.4lbs, down 1.8lbs from my reported weigh in yesterday. A vlcd would deliver maybe 12-14lbs n a month but be much less enjoyable than eating real food. 9.2lbs shed in a month - no exercise apart from gettiing sweaty cleaning 3 times or so a week and very short walks is a result!