Gobolino's Food Diary - converted to ww now!

Ha ha -I'm looking forward to being the weigh in lady :) I think it'll be great to get to know everyone, especially since our class is brand new.

Oh Donna the yellow thai curry is lovely, its the veggie one in the little booklet with this months magazine- worth a try. I do prefer green thai curry though, had this tonight.

B- yog, blackberries, apple
D- soup (BNS, carrot and sweede), M&S snack sushi (0.5syns), yog
T- green thai curry (1.5syns for coconut milk), sugar snap peas, mangetout, broccoli and peppers with Tilda Jasmine rice (yummy!) and 113g prawns (HB), Mrs Crimbles Coconut Macaroon (10syns)
Snack- options indulgence hot choc (3syns), 6 walnut halves (HB), skimmed milk for tea (HA), latte

25 mins walk, 15syns :)
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Yes, I'm doing ok at the moment. Saturday night we planned to have fajitas, which bumped my syns up for the day as I also wanted a glass of wine and chocolate cake - oh I love this way of life :)

Thats great that the scan bran is helping. Are you trying to drink lots of water too ? Focus on the good feeling and the scales will reveal all at weigh in. I'm going to put the scales away today when I get up into the loft. Meanwhile its strange not stepping on them every day, but hopefully there will be a lovely surprise at weigh in :)

So, here's saturday:
B- banana, 6 walnut halves (HB) and yog
D- jacket and beans, 42g cathedral city lighter (HA)
T- 2 fajitas (12syns), peppers and onion with spices. Salad leaves, chopped tomatoes and cucumber, corn on the cob, garlic and corriander dip made with vlf fromage frais (yum yum!), 42g cathedral city lighter (HA), glass of wine 175ml (6syns).
pud- 1/2 a squidy chocolate cake (in 2 sittings!) (5syns) with aerosol cream (1syn), vlf fromage frais with options (1syn)

Total syns 25
Exercise 1 hour body balance + 25 mins dog walk

Sunday: Possibly a red day ??!!??
Thought it was going to be extra easy, but I think I'll need my healthy extras too much so we'll see it could turn out to be red!

Went for 3/4 hour at the leisure centre spa before hubby went for golf. Its local to us and we hadnt planned to go so my first bit of breakfast was pretty rushed, but I knew I had to have something or I'd start to feel funny!

pre spa breakfast- banana and 1/4 slice of chocolate cake (2syns)
post spa breakfast- salad leaves, sliced tomato, scrambled egg (5g utterly butterly 1.5syns) and smoked salmon.
dinner- carrot, sweede and bns soup followed by prawns with spicy peppers and onion
tea- salmon fillet, broccoli and salad, followed by blueberries and yoghurt
snacks- 3 aldi less than 70cal bars (HB+3syns), milk in tea (HA), probably another HA and HB if this turns into a red day
Ideas for meal plans next week.....

Breakfasts for next week:
yog and fruit (blueberries, grapes, bananas or apple)
yog and walnuts (HB)
egg and scan bran (HB)
weetabix (HB) with milk (HA)

Dinners for next week:
Quiche with cheese on top (HA)
Scan bran (HB) and egg with pickles
Jacket and beans with salad
Chickpea curry (HB) and rice

Teas for next week:
Homity pie (HA), green beans
Stuffed peppers (couscous, toms, onion etc)
Wedges, egg and beans
Quorn sausages, mashed potato, peas and salad
Eggs on toast (HB+2syns)
Quorn bolognese with wholemeal spaghetti
Sunday- here's what I've actually had!

pre spa breakfast- banana and 1/4 slice of chocolate cake (2syns)
post spa breakfast- salad leaves, sliced tomato, scrambled egg (5g utterly butterly 1.5syns) and smoked salmon.

dinner- carrot, sweede and bns soup

tea- salmon fillet, broccoli, carrots, prawns with left over green thai veg (drained, so no syns to count for coconut milk as the amount on the plate would be virtually non existent), followed by 100g walls light soft scoop (7syns) with chocolate sauce (1syn?)

snacks- 3 aldi less than 70cal bars (HB+3syns), milk in tea (HA), 85g prunes (HB), half a small ginerbread man (12g =2.5syns), grapes, possibly a latte later if needed!

30mins walk
Total syns 17 oops (I will make up for this tomorrow)

More food needed - Just had 2 nectarines and some yoghurt. Will definitely be having a latte later too!
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Ok being totally honest, I dont like red days! Also I think if I'd synned my smoked salmon at brekki, I probably could have gone green, anyway all is done now. I know now why I dont do red very often!
Red days are hard! Plus I'd rather lose slowly and with a smile on my face - ha ha. I do like fish now and again but I much prefer carb based meals.

I didnt eat enough in work today, I had my appraisal and didnt have time to prepare much this morning. So this is what I had:

B- yog, blueberries, grapes
D- jacket and beans (from canteen), left over broccoli and carrots
snacks- plums, orange, banana+ 2 scan bran (part HB)
T- as soon as I got in I had 3 scan bran + philidelphia light (70g) as I was so very very hungry and knew I couldnt last till my proper tea. However I then went on to have 3 bags of chocolate animals (5.5syns x3= 16.5syns) and 85g prunes (HB)
T- quorn bolognese with wholemeal pasta, will have cups of tea or latte tonight (HA)

Also I thought I'd jump on the scales, why oh why :( Grrrrrr, I should have put them in the loft over the weekend but I didnt. Anyway, it wasnt good at all and I hope its just the weight of lots of food in my belly from yesterday and my very hungry weekend. Fingers are crossed!
Must be something in the air as i had a hungry hungry day and got into that stupid chrismtmas cake at work !! AND I almost got on the scales too !! (but talked myself out of it as already feeling grumpy and didn't want to feel worse)

Hopefully with an OP day tomorrow you will be rewarded on the scales at WI !

Good luck

Annoyed with myself - over synning and sneaky peaking :( These are the two things I'm going to concentrate on.

Teresa, I'm sorry, we made a deal and I didnt keep my side of the bargain. Rubbish!
Oh spooky we posted at the same time! Well done for not actually jumping on the scales :) You too will be rewarded at WI! I hope I've lost a little pound at least, we'll see.
Don't feel rubbish because we are all only human. I was so tempted with the scales but also was feeling bit tired and achy so didn't want to lift them out from under the bed or it would of been me breaking the pact.

Put them in the loft!! I have told myself i will not weigh for two whole weeks and then see how i feel ! I really really want to lose at least 1 pound to get back in target but with all this scan bran I had hoped for more.

fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Indeed, we're only human :) I hope all the scan bran pays off for you this week, are you achey after the massive amount of walking yesterday ?

I'm really looking forward to my class tomorrow and excited to be part of the team, doing the weighing. Fingers crossed for a loss too :)
Hi Gobolino,
Seen a couple of people planning homity pie this week, so I've boshed it onto next week's plan - another one of thos SW meals I love but sometimes forget about! :)

Good luck for WI, it will be so nice to be all supportive to other people when they are having their turn on the dreaded scales :)
I have hurt my back at the beginning of the year so achy in general but feel pretty good considering i did the 5 1/2 hours of walking. Hate the fact I can't run because of my back but i tried last week and have had back pain since then :-(
Prawnchopsuey - I love homity pie! So does my hubby so its a win win situation. This is why I love reading other peoples meal lists as it reminds you of all the lovely meals you can enjoy :)

Teresa, you sound like me with my knee pain with running. I was loving it last year until I did too many hills, had problems with my knee and then I feel a little scared to give it another go, since my knee has settled (after lots of physio). I should give it a go on the treadmill as thats my safe environment. I suffer with a dodgy back too and the pain can be so miserable, so I have alot of sympathy for you right now. I think the best advice is just to listen and let your body decide what/how much you can do. Would you try walk/runs instead of straight running to start off ?

Today is going well and if I manage a no syn day my total for the week will be under the magic 105, I'll write out a summary of syns later!

B- weetabix/milk (part HA, HB), banana
D- quorn bolognese (with hidden veggies) and 28g cheese (HA)
T- possibly more bolognese
snack- nectarine, orange, kiwis, rest of milk in tea (part HA)
I will probably walk run when I start again but I have promised hubby no running at all until i have 7 pain free days , haven't had one yet. Have promised myself that I will go to the sports physio guy next week if things don't get better in next day or two, he is expensive but really good and may sort me out in one visit if it is what i suspect it is ( my pelvis out of alignment)My running has been rubbish since last summer with one thing and another i went from doing 4 to 5 days of running to 1 or 2 now nothing. Not fun.

Good luck being weigh lady , how many people were in your group last week? Good luck with your weigh in and well done on being under 105 !!
Oh ouch that sounds really painful..... but saying that if you feel that one session could sort it, thats good news.

Last week we had about 15 new members so by the time image therapy came there must have been at least 25-30 of us. This week not all came back or stayed for image therapy, so there was about 15-20 at a guess. It was nice weighing everyone, but quite busy!

As for me, I gained 1/2 a pound. I think if I'd had my week the other way around and had 3 days over syns first and then 4 days slightly under, it wouldnt have turned out that way. So, thats it I'm not sneaky peaking and I'm got going over my syns, I've said I'd like to lose 2lb and these are the key things that will help me get there!

I have a family visit planned for saturday which involves two meals out with different family members for each meal! We'll then stay over on sat night and travel back sunday. Saturday is a Toby cavery (loads of veg, veg gravy and roast parsnips) and the evening is an early bird deal at a pub (I've checked online and the only thing on the menu suitable for me is scampi! 2syns each on green, so I'll have that with a jacket, if they cant do a jacket I'll go without as I dont want to eat a portion of chips just to be polite!). I'm offering to drive sat night, so no drinks. I'm going to save some syns weds-fri too.

Week 3 starts tomorrow and I want a loss :)