Gobolino's Food Diary - converted to ww now!


B yog with nectarine, apple, grapes and cherries, HiFi (HB)
D jacket potato, 28g cheese (HA), quorn bolognese
T sw wedges, egg and quorn sausages, mars ice cream (51ml=7syns)
snack - 2 mini baby bels (HA), Banana, 6 walnut halves (HB)
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Going out tonight for food and drinks at a local pub. I'm planning on having jacket, cheese (HA HA ?) and beans with a salad, which I know is boring for a night out, but at least I can save my syns for a drink.

B- HB flapjack (thanks to cocktail princess in the recipe section), yog, banana
D- red lentil curry with brown rice, HB flapjack
T- jacket, cheese (HA HA), beans and salad, brandy (4syns per 35ml, will keep count of how many)

I've saved 13syns from the past few days, plus 15 for today and will possibly use some of the next few days on our night out too :)
Hello :)

Well I dont feel like I've been around too much this week either! Our night out was lovely thanks.

Here's my food for the weekend:

B- HB flapjack (thanks to cocktail princess in the recipe section), yog, banana
D- red lentil curry (1syn for curry paste) with brown rice, HB flapjack
snack before going out - 1/2 pack of pasta n sauce
T- jacket,beans and salad, couple of tablespoons of coleslaw (2 syns?)
drinks - 1.5 brandys (4syns per 35ml, so 6syns), 2 x 250ml glasses of red wine (17syns)
(tea was good, I didnt take a chance on having cheese with it though as I would have no idea how much cheese they would use. On the down side hubby ordered a salad and forgot to mention 'no dressing', so I had to pick at the bits of salad with no dressing!)
Total 26 syns

B- wholemeal bread (HB+2syns), quorn sausages, egg, flapjack (HB)
D- cabbage, broccoli, peas, roast carrot, sweet potato and normal potato (in fry light), veg gravy (1syn), stuffing (6 syns)
snacks- banana, apple, 2 mini baby bels (HA), skimmed milk in tea (HA), flapjack (6syns)
tea- pasta quiche with broccoli, cabbage and peas
Total 15 syns

body balance class on sat and sun :)

So syns for the week are as follows: weds 7, thurs 18, fri 7, sat 26, sun 15, mon ??, tues ??
Total so far= 73
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Grrrrr hungry day today!
I think part of the monday is its the beginning of the week and the other part is its the day before weigh in! So far, I'm on plan but eating lots of food:

B-1/3rd of a large pasta quiche, nectarine, 2 flapjacks (HB HB) (I'm not sure these should strictly be counted as a HB as the fruit is chopped and then put in the oven and as such would be considered as syns..... I'm not making them again)
snack- 1/2 a banana and 2 scan bran (1 as part of the HB oats in flapjack +1 as 1syn), milk in tea (HA), 2 apples, 2 plums, 1 mini baby bel (1/2HA)
D- red lentil and butternut squash curry with brown rice, vlf yog
T- quorn bolognese, tablespoons of leftover rice, 14g cheese (1/2HA), banana, 142g custard (5.5syns), 71g custard (3 syns)
Total 9.5syns
Class- Body Jam :) (this was something new for me and a bit of a laugh!)

As long as I stick to plan today I dont really care if I eat alot! I'll just try to steer myself to superfree foods. What about you, any tacticts for dealing with your hungry monday ?
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Another hungry day!

B- scan bran (HB), banana
D- couscous, salad, yog, walnuts (HB+3syns)
snack- 2 large hot chocolates (10syns)
T- probably cheese (HA) on toast (8syns)
snack- apple, orange ?

syns for today = 18
syns for the week = 7+17+7+26+15+9.5+18 =99.5 (leaving just enough for a HiFi bar later..... anything more than this will come out of next weeks allowance :( )
Oops 20 walnut halves later .......
Well - I lost a pound :) I'm pleased with that as TOTM is imminent. I've had 2 mars ice creams as a treat. I've had a thumping head ache all evening through class so I attacked the ice creams when I came home. On the plus point, no HiFi over indulgence. A new week starts tomorrow and I'd like to have a good one :)
Thank you ! My aim for this week is to do well so I dont have to start worrying on monday night that I havent lost any weight.

Wednesday: Total syns =7
B-2 nectarines, 200g low fat greek yog (2syns)
D-Jacket potato, quorn bolognese, cherry tomatoes, 2 scan bran (2syns) with light phillidelphia (28g 3syns)
snacks- 2 HiFis (HB HB), milk in tea (HA), banana, orange, lettuce leaves
T-bns and red lentil curry with brown rice and for a pudding apple crackers (literally just an apple cut into rounds!) and 28g red leicester (HA)

Thursday: Total syns= 15
B-2 weetabix and milk (HB&HA), banana
D-cabbage, broccoli and pea soup with rice
T- omlette with courgette, spring onion, peppers and 28g cheese, cherry toms, 3 quorn sausages
pud-mars bar ice cream (7syns)
pud2- 2nectarines and 100g l/f greek yog (1syn)
snacks- 2 Hi Fi (HB+6syns), nectarine, grapes, kiwis, apple, 2 sushi snacks M&S (1syn)
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Fridays plan: Total syns=6.5
B-3 scan bran (part HB), banana, HiFi (HB)
D-leek and potato soup, phillidelphia light 28g+2 scan bran (part HB+3syns), cherry toms
snacks-2 apples, grapes, orange
T- omlette, spring onions, 28g cheese (HA), quark, vlf fromage frais, hot choc powder (1syn), meringue nest (2.5syns)
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Syns so far this week:
weds 7
thurs 15
fri 6.5
sat 14
sun 14.5

Will update for the rest of the week as it happens :) So far, looking good though :)
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Thanks! I'm doing your trick of planning a few less syns each day or at least some days, so I have a few to treat myself if I want to :)

Today, I have a challenge ahead. I'm going to make apple crumble for my hubby and here are the challenges:

1. Not to eat any of the crumble mixture (not even a spoonful!) DONE!
2. Not to have any of the finished crumble One crumble gone, one left in the fridge. So I'm half way through challenge No.2
3. To make some portions of HB stewed apple, all measured and SW friendly (if I need the crumble effect I'll crumble a digestive over for 3syns!) DONE!
4. To really enjoy this with some custard made with skimmed milk :) Might actually have this with some lemony vlf fromage frais/phillidelphia light mix (3syns per portion) instead, we'll see

I'm determined to do this, but if I've commited to it on here I'm going to be even more determined.

I'll report back!
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Saturday 12th Feb: Total syns =14

B- beans on toast (HB+2syns)
snack-apple, orange, milky coffee (HA)
D- leek and potato soup, 3 prunes (1.5syns)
T- sw wedges, cheese (HA), not sure what else!
pud- 368g stewed apple (HB), digestive biscuit (3syns), fromage frais/phillidelphia light (3syns), skinny cow chocolate brownie ice cream (4.5syns)

body balance class and 1 1/2 hours walk :)
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Sunday 13th

B-beans on toast (HB+2syns)
D- Wagamamas saien soba (??? no idea on syns plenty of veg and wholewheat noodles. I chose this as it didnt say 'fried' and it didnt come with sauce, but I know its not saintly by any means)
snacks- 1 chocolate heart (1syn), 4 pieces of licorice (4syns), banana, apple
T- we've bought tonnes of veg at aldi so I just need to think of something for tea. I'm tempted to do a vegetable mash of some sort.
snacks- milk in tea (1/2 HA)

summary of syns for sunday:
20g wholemeal bread 2
4 pieces of licorice 4
skinny cow 4.5
3 chocolate strawberries 3
gravy 1
total = 14.5
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Oh it was lovely! Just a shame there are no syn listings for Wagamamas.

Hungry Monday 14th Feb: 9 syns
B-yoghurt, raspberries and banana
snack- clementines, 1 chocolate coated strawberry (1syn), nectarine
D-leek and potato soup, 1 apple
snack- another apple, milk in tea (HA), weetabix (HB) before I leave work today, just so I'm not absolutely ravenous by the time we get home.
T- jacket potato, cheese (HA), and coleslaw (60g of tesco light choices one 2 syns, bulked out with extra carrot and onion) and large salad
snack- equivalent to a sushi snack selection, but taken from a larger box shared with hubby (1syn)
pud- either stewed apple and ice-cream or a skinny cow, plus more strawberries....... I went for the stewed apple (HB), with lemony quark cream and half a maltesers bunny chocolate (4syns) and 1 more chocolate dipped strawberry (1syn):)
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