Gobolino's Food Diary - converted to ww now!

Hey, sorry to hear you've been poorly- yuck :( Hope you're feeling better soon.

I've been doing ok, gaining then losing but overall in the right direction. Focussing on a loss next week to break the gaining/losing pattern!
Thanks PCSuey :) Hey looks like you've had a good one this week too- well done !!!

B latte (HA), raspberries, HiFi bar (HB)
D 3 new potatoes, carrot sticks, leek and pot soup, pineapple
T wedges, salad and beans
snacks- 5 scan bran (HB), 71g sweet chilli philli (HA), 2 mini ritter sport chocolates (9syns), highlights hot choc (3syns)

syns - 12
exercise - none (I'm tired :( )
Yep, shocked myself!! Now I have to keep it off and not let the weekend catch up with me this week...
Only 4lbs to go until I join you in the 11 stone bracket - hopefully will be there within the next month...

How is the SW Italian recipe book? Are you impressed with it?
You are doing fantastically well because even though you have had some gains you have followed them with big losses , would be great to not have the gains but i know lots of people that lose and gain the same 2 or 3 pounds every week/month and end up going nowhere.

Keep up the good work!
B-latte (HA), HiFi (HB), weetabix (HB)
D-l+p soup, sushi, yog, salad, new potatoes
Snack- banana, melon
T-quorn, peppers, onion, salad, cheese (HA)
Snacks- 4 mini ritter sports (18), buttercream L
Exercise -30mins walking

B- chocolate (4.5), latte (HA), melon, grapes
D-quorn, peppers and onions
T-ryvita minis (HB), chilli philli (HA)
Snacks-buttercream ?, 2 pears, 2 mini bananas, extra milk (3syns)
Thanks for you support both. PCSuey you're going to be in the 11's in no time if you carry on with those fab losses :) Teresa thanks, I think if its going in the right direction overall, I'm happy :)

Time to confess now and I'm sure you'll both understand what I'm going through at the moment - I'm making a cake for a colleague and have succumbed to the buttercream icing :( I'm really going to have to make up for it now, the trouble is I have no idea how many syns I've even spent on the damn stuff! I'm actually icing the cake tonight and then it'll be picked up on sat am. I dont want to gain this week, so I need a plan!!!
Oh the Italian book is lush by the way ! I'm deciding what to make so I'll keep you posted when I do actually make something. As a fish eating veggie there are loads of things in there for me :)
Mmm, buttercream icing...

My plan would be to count it as today's syns all used up, then just continue as normal for the rest of the week. Personally I think it does more harm than good restricting yourself to 'make up' for something done in the past... If anything, laying the guilt on is more likely to make me reach for more bad food. Especially when you don't even know how many syns it is, you'd just be punishing yourself which is not the point of SW at all. Good luck resisting the rest of it this evening :)

I'm going to make some vanilla shortbread this evening for my mum's Mothers' Day present... I'll no doubt have a nibble or two as well ;)
Oh its a delicate balance with not sending yourself into a binge following a buttercream over-indulgence isnt it!!! I need to be careful either way I think.

Oh baking can be so hard sometimes :) Enjoy your shortbread!
Oh you know Gobolino that my two very most favourite foods in the world are buttercream icing and cake batter !!!

I have been known to make cakes just to eat the batter!!

I made cakes for a friend last week with nutella butter icing !!! HEAVEN !

So yes i know you feel and i am with PCS on this one count it as all of todays syns and move on, mayube try and restrict the syns from 15 to 10 on any day you can BUT not if it will derail you. Drink plenty and eat plenty of speed foods and do your regular amount of exercise.

Teresa x
Ha ha - I knew you'd understand the situation too!! Nutella butter icing sounds divine :)

Well I've only just finished icing the cake. Will try to post some photos tomorrow. Its taken me weds pm (making buttercream), thurs pm (making cakes 3 hours!) and tonight putting it all together and icing it (5 hours!).

I feel like I really have to work hard now to secure a loss this week, however I'm giving myself no strict number of syns etc so as not to rebel and binge. So I'll take it as it comes for the remainder of the week. Perhaps the buttercream might jolt my metabolism !!??!! :)
I've just sat down to have a go at uploading the pictures (only thing is there are quite a few pictures of other stuff on the camera already, so if I do the whole lot it may take a while)..... they are coming soon (hopefully)!

Meanwhile, here's today:
B- canteloupe melon, sliced tomatoes, baked beans, 2 eggs
snack - galia melon, banana
D- salad, rocket, fajhita veggies (peppers, red onion) with 28g cheese (HA), strawberries with vlf fromage frais and 17g highlights hot choc (3syns)
snack- 3 cups of tea (3syns or HA not sure yet)
T- carrot sticks, sliced cucumber, houmous (38g 3 syns), garlic and herb philli light (HB, 57g) and ryvita minis (HB), 28g cheese (HA).

Exercise -1hour body balance class, 1hour forest walk, unfortunately I was too tired for the dance class this morning! 15 mins walk to pub (for diet cokes!) :)
Syns - 9 :) I'm pleased with that!
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Here's the cake I made on Friday night!
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Hi Gobolino,
I'm just having a quick peek at some diaries and your menus sound lovely. I like all the different things you put in salads. I've never put quorn pieces or all those different veg in as salad to me is usually a handful from a bag dumped on the side of my plate. I'm now thinking that I could make them much more interesting so thanks x
As to your cake - wow, that's impressive!!
Hi Beegee

Thanks for popping by! I like a good salad, but like you say it needs to be interesting to keep you feeling satisfied :) Its tempting just to write 'salad' in a diary but I think it helps to look back and see exactly what you had to make it yummy. Plus if you just write 'salad' I imagine people would read it and think 'woah she must be starving just having salad'!!! I think the key is to make them big and keep your eye out for new things to add. You've got me thinking about what to have for lunch now!

Congratulations on your brilliant loss, you're well on your way to your birthday target :) :) :)

B-28g porridge, skimmed milk, 2 scan bran, banana and 2 pears (HA, HB). Was going to count 1 syn for the extra scan bran but as I got my porridge out of the micro a dollop fell on the floor and since 28g isnt much at all, I feel that the amount that fell out must have been about 1 syns worth!!!

snack- galia melon, canteloup melon, strawbs, vlf fromage frais, 11g highlights hot choc (2syns)

D- Homemade pasta sauce (carrots, tinned toms, garlic, chilli, herbs, onion) with pasta and parmesan (28g HA) and 7g cheddar (1.5syns)

T- 2 Quorn sausages, crushed new potatoes with spring onions and garlic and peas, sweetcorn and carrots with bisto (1.5syns) - mmmm looking forward to sausages and bisto!

snack/pudding after tea- a sw scan bran fudge cake (HB+8.5syns)...... a bit excessive I guess but at least I'm packing in the scan bran!

Exercise- 45mins wallk, 25mins just dance Wii
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Thanks for your kind words Gobolino (aka Salad Queen). My target seems some way off at the mo after hitting a wall for the last 3 weeks despite being 100%. Am hoping for better things this week! I did Just Dance today too, only about 5 songs worth but better than nothing. Do you have the Just Dance 2 or just the first one? Hope you enjoyed the Bisto x