Gobolino's Food Diary - converted to ww now!

Thanks Teresa :)

Here's my actual food for today:
B- oats 28g (HB), yog, skimmed milk (part HA), grated apple,
snacks- milk in tea (part HA), banana
D- lentil and veg soup, salad (cucumber, toms, pepper), 1/2 a melon
snack- latte (HA), 6 low syn muffins (HB for 5 scan bran, 1oz of chocolate powder different to the bournville I used yesterday and lower syns at 2.5syns, 1 tbsp golden syrup)= HB+3.5syns
T- quorn bolognese, brown rice and a whole pack of asparagus
snack- 1 scan bran muffin from yesterday (2syns)
snack- hot choc powder (2syns), vlf fromage frais and a handful of raspberries

30mins walk AND body balance class
Total 7.5syns (feels like alot more with all those muffins :) )

Sneaky peak this morning doesnt even show that I've lost any of the gain from last week, but hey I'm in it for the long haul and the journey is a very bumpy road. In good news I have lost 8 inches (3 from my bust, 2.5 each from waist and hips), this makes me feel great but adds even more mystery as to why the scales arent shifting!

I'd like a loss tomorrow - PLEASE :)
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Weds 10syns, Thurs 9syns, Fri 8.5syns, Sat 11.5syns, Sun 12syns, Mon 7.5syns

Total=58.5syns for 6 days..... thats flipping brilliant for me! Fingers crossed for tomorrows WI :)
You are doing GREAT at the moment!! GO GOBOLINO!! Fantastic job on the syns and how wonderful to see it reflected in inches. What a boost that must be to you - to know that you are being rewarded for all your efforts. Weird not to see it on the scales, but I'd take the lower dress size over the numbers on a machine I think. Really well done and good luck for tomorrow x
Thanks Beegee!
I think sometimes our bodies throw us a curve ball to see if we are serious about the weight loss, frequently this is when people give up. You are doing so well to keep up the battle so eventually you will win !!

Hope the scales at group co operate.

Can you share the chocolate muffin recipe please.

Good luck tonight

Thanks Teresa! You're right, I remember you saying that its a test and I really love that way of looking at it, because like you say if you pass the test you WIN !

Here's todays food:
B-28g oats, yog, berries
D-quorn bolognese and brown rice
T-6 crackerbread and 28g cheese (HA HB)
snacks- banana, apple, 2 hot chocolates (4syns), 2x70g apricots (12 syns), milk in tea (HA)
treat tonight- small bowl of seedy museli and weetabix with skimmed milk (syns)

I did have 4 sugar free sweets from Aldi and I'm now considering that I might have an allergy to the sweetener. Literally I had a pregnant type of tummy like a small balloon and horrid horrid pain. Also I probably have too much sweetener in my diet anyway, so perhaps I have slight allergy to all of them :eek:

Before weigh in my week in terms of syns looked like this:
10+9+8.5+11.5+12+7.5+10 = 68.5 for the week, it paid off as I lost 3lb this week :)

Teresa I'll find the recipe for you now, its a sw online recipe low syn chocolate cake but I make it in a 6 muffin silicon baking thing..........will find it now......
11.5syns for the whole thing or 6 @ 2syns each if made in a muffin tin.

5 Scan Bran
3 beaten eggs
1 level tbsp golden syrup
1oz cocoa powder
½ mug sweetener

1. Soak the Scan Bran in boiling water to soften. Then drain and mash.
2. Mix all the ingredients together and pour into a microwavable bowl.
3. Microwave on high for 5 minutes for the muffins (the website says 7mins for a whole cake).

I used cadbury bournville cocoa the first time and they were much nicer than the one I made yesterday. I'm tempted to be brave and make these without the sweetener!

B-vlf fromage frais, berries, apple, possibly with oats (HB)
snack-milk in tea (HA), more berries (from the garden :) )
D-out for lunch, jacket potato and beans, salad
snack before body balance- 2 weetabix (HB)
T- 42g feta (HA), large salad, couscous with onion, courgette and sweetcorn
pud- ?
I think sometimes we have so much of something our body becomes temporarily intolerant to it. I have found it recently with beans, apples, pears and onions, but if you cut back drasticlally you can then reintroduce it. this may be the case with sweetner

Thanks Beegee, damn right I feel better about things :) Finally I get 'paid' for my hard work - he he.

Teresa you're welcome re: the low syn choc cake. The muffins were literally 5mins in the microwave, so very handy when you have a chocolate craving. My hubby loved them, he ate 4 in the evening, which is a great way of getting lots of healthy fibre into him too- win win situation :) You may be right about the sweetener, I think I've overdosed on it and it helps to cut it out for a while I think.

Todays gone to plan:
B-berries, vlf fromage frais, 28g oats (part HB), tsp honey (1syn)
D-jacket, few beans, salad
T-feta (HA) salad, couscous, courgettes. Yog, walnuts (3syns), tsp honey (1syn)
snacks-milk in tea (HA), berries (strawbs, blackcurrants, raspberries), banana, 1 scan bran (part HB), 2 weetabix (HB)
Exercise-body balance class :)

Weekly syns:
weds 5
B-28g oats (part HB), yog, skimmed milk (60ml from HA), apple and cinnamon
D-couscous, courgette, sweetcorn, onion, tomato
T-wedges, beans, salad
snack-courgette and fennel soup, banana, apple, raspberries and blackcurrants, 1 scan bran (part HB), 60ml skimmed milk (part HA)

Struggling with putting meals/snacks together now as we're in need of a shop, but trying to eek it out till the weekend..... running out of fruit and milk, mmm we'll get there :)
Ha ha -yes a 5 syn day! Very strange for me.... strange but true! We are hoping to eat out at pizza express tomorrow night, so I'd like to save up for a 25syn pizza leggera (the one thats got the middle cut out of it and filled with salad) and possible a glass of wine too :)
Going to be a real treat as we're using our tesco deals vouchers for it :)
B-28g oats (part HB), yog, skimmed milk (60ml 1syn)apple and cinnamon

D-couscous, courgette, sweetcorn, onion, tomato

T-wedges, 28g cheese (HA), courgette couscous, large salad followed by latte (HA), hifi (HB)

snacks-courgette and fennel soup, banana, apple, raspberries and blackcurrants, 1 scan bran (part HB), 60ml skimmed milk (1 syn), 3 chocolate orange segsations (6syns ?), sushi snack (1/2syn)

45mins walk, 1 body jam class :)

Weds 5, Thurs 8.5

Friday: ???
B-oats, yog, apple, banana, 1 scan bran (HB)
D-spinach, onion and potato frittata with 28g cheese (HA), mixed leaves
T@ pizza express (1 whole Leggera pizza 25syns)
snacks- apple, blackcurrants, raspberries, milk in tea (HA), hifi (HB)

Friday as planned but also had mozzarella = tom to start (served with no oil and pesto on the side) (6syns) and 2 hot chocolates (4syns) and loads of salad :)

Weds 5, Thurs 8.5, Fri 35 =48.5
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Not sure on my plans for sat yet, my Nana's gone into hospital so I may be travelling back home ??? We'll see, if I stay put I really need to go food shopping and then do some planning :)

Syns need to be pretty low now for sat, sun, mon, tues (21.5 syns for those 4 days).