B-apple, melon, strawberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, banana
D-spinach and potato frittata (HA), beans, 1 low syn choc muffin (2syns)
T-pearl barley broth (large bowl full! Made with carrots, turnip, celery, onion, potato and sweet potato) I might be tempted to throw some peas in to get some super speed

pud- 1 muffin (2syns) with few spoon fulls of custard (made with skimmed milk) (HA+ 2syns)
snacks- pineapple, 2 HiFi bars (HB HB), 1 muffin (2syns)
Todays muffins were made with:
5 scan bran (5syns), 3 eggs (free), sweetener (free), 28g of cocoa (I have a foreign version which works out at 3.5syns per 28g, I've just finished using this now so I'll be back onto bournville next time I make these), 1 tablespoon golden syrup (1syn) and 2 chocolate orange segsations chopped into the mixture (4syns)......made into 6 muffins @ 2syns per muffin.
A pretty healthy way to eat muffins, stuffed full of scan bran

Ok, I know they arent exactly healthy, but they are keeping me on track right now!