I stayed the same. Not too happy about it as I had talked myself into the fact that it'd be a 2-4lb loss based on the weight I was tracking at home.
Also a bit fed up with class eating up my evening. I need to reclaim so me-time, its driving me mad to feel like I dont have enough time all the time. So, I've been thinking of switching classes, I couldnt even stay to have my bit of time with consultant this evening, but I spent so long weighing in loads of people. I think the class is just to late for me, plus I need my evenings to chill out, prep food for next day, shower earlier in the night etc. So I'm going to switch to one of my consultants earlier classes, I dont want to let my consultant down but I feel it'll be for the best.
Dont weigh in for two weeks now as I'm using another holiday week next week.
Also a bit fed up with class eating up my evening. I need to reclaim so me-time, its driving me mad to feel like I dont have enough time all the time. So, I've been thinking of switching classes, I couldnt even stay to have my bit of time with consultant this evening, but I spent so long weighing in loads of people. I think the class is just to late for me, plus I need my evenings to chill out, prep food for next day, shower earlier in the night etc. So I'm going to switch to one of my consultants earlier classes, I dont want to let my consultant down but I feel it'll be for the best.
Dont weigh in for two weeks now as I'm using another holiday week next week.