Going it alone...so my diary and you I hope become my group! :)

Well I'm pleased to announce it worked! I've lost 5 1/2lbs this week! I can't believe it!! :D
Wow Gemsta that's amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Well done! And all that worrying!!! Xx
I know!..lol.. I still can't believe it tbh! In celebration I've added the pic I put on here a few days ago to FB today and I've be inundated with comments and PM about which diet a do etc. Feeling very happy today that's for sure. And I will defo do another 4 days of EESP again in a couple of weeks! :)
Friday 27th February

Worked 5 hours OT last night so steps were - 12,004 (5.68 miles)

HEXa - 250ml milk
HEXb - 2 Benefit bars (1 used in my Strawberry Orange Choccy Cheesecake)

Was so excited with my loss I had a Pear and a Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns

Pickled Onion Space Raiders - 3 syns
Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns
Was hungry when we got back from shopping..lol..

Brought some of the SW meals from Iceland using my coupons!! Sad I know that I'm excited about that!
Hot Smoked Salmon Farfalle - I enjoyed it! :)
salmon farfalle.jpg
NAS Orange Squash
2 Clementines

SW Kebab Meat, SW Chips and Salad - Lighter than Light Mayo for 'slaw - 2 syns
Strawberry Choccy Orange Cheesecake - 2 1/2 syns

Hot Chocolate (made up with HEa milk) - 3 syns

Total Syns - 13 1/2 syns
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Saturday 28th February

So just when I thought after the last 2 weekends away I could be good my sisters invite me on a girly day out!..lol.. I'm looking forward to it as the only time we're all together is Christmas night! So cocktails, drinks, catching up and food is the main thing of the day! Luckily we all do SW, though not sure eldest is on plan at the moment, my other sister was the reason I came back to SW because she'd done so well with it! I intend to pick wisely for lunch and will just have to syn the drink :eek: I think I might have to throw a couple of EESP days in again this week!..lol..

HEa - 250ml milk
HEb - 35g Shreddies

Shreddies with milk and strawberries and small bowl of pomegranate seeds
brekkie sat.jpg
Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns

Spaghetti Bolagnase a coke and 4 pints of cider....lol...


Total Syns - :( ..lol.. in advance!

Let's just say today was off plan!! I don't get together with my sisters very often so was worth the blow out tbh :)

Back on it from tomorrow and will probably chuck in a few EESP days for sure now :)
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Sunday 1st March - EE

HEa -250ml milk
HEb -2 weetabix

Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns
2 weetabix with milk and 2 bananas

Roast Chicken, a few secret roasters, mash, green, beans, broccoli and carrots and gravy - 3 syns
Diet Orangeade

Banana & Apple

Leftover kebab meat, coleslaw (1 syn for mayo) and salad
Diet Orangeade

Total Syns - 5.5 syns
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Thanks! I believe so, though I'm not that up on that plan. You just only have the fruit and veg that has the 'S' symbol next to them with meat or fish. No carbs. But you do get a extra healthy b option :)
Monday 2nd March - EESP

HEa - 250ml milk
HEb1 - 35g Shreddies
HEb2 - 60g wholemeal bap

Shreddies with milk and some strawberries
Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns

SW Sausage & Egg Bap
Apple & Clementine

Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns

Chicken Salad

Work tonight...
NAS Squash
Space Raiders - 3 syns

Total Syns - 6 syns
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Hi Gemsta

here to sub :)

well done on your loss! 5.5 lbs is brilliant!

I'm definitely going to be trying your kebab recipe, and your secret roasters! :)
Ummm, sausage and egg nap sounds delicious!
The Sausages were ok tbh...they were the new SW syn free ones :)
I got a few last week to use up my coupons. I got 2 bags of sausages, Beef in red onion gravy with veg crush, Chicken pizzaiola, Chicken tikka masala, Hot-smoked salmon farfalle, Meatballs & pasta with a spicy tomato sauce and Singapore Noodles. So far only tried the salmon farfalle and sausages. I think there good for when you can't be arsed :)
Tuesday 3rd March - EESP

Steps at work last night - 20,678 (9.79 miles)

HEa - 250ml milk
HEb1 - 35g Porridge Oats
HEb2 - 60g wholemeal bap

Porridge with milk fresh strawberries & raspberries
Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns

Chicken Salad Bap
Space Raiders - 3 syns
Diet Orangeade

Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns

Salmon with Salad

For work
NAS Squash
Snack-a-Jacks - 4.5 syns

Total Syns - 10.5 syns
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Are you doing another sp week Gemsta? I'm thinking of doing an sp week next week? Xx