Going it alone...so my diary and you I hope become my group! :)

Hiya Jellybean... I'm doing another 3 or 4 days like last week :) Only need 2.5lb this week for 3 1/2 stone award, so hoping to undo the naughtiness from the weekend and give me another boost towards holiday :)
Wow, 3.5 stone...that'll feel amazing! X
Wednesday 4rd March - EESP

Steps at work last night - 25,805 (12.21 miles)

HEa - 250ml milk
HEb1 - 2 Benefit Bars
HEb2 - 60g wholemeal bap

Sausage, Bacon & egg Bap followed by Pink Grapefruit, Raspberries and Strawberries
Options Choc Orange - 1 1/2 syns

Apple & Clementines and Diet Orangeade

Chicken Tikka with veggies
Diet Orangeade

Hot Chocolate - 3 syns made with HEa

For work tonight
NAS Squash
Space Raiders - 3 syns
Benefit Bars

Total Syns - 7.5 syns
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Found an interesting recipe earlier for some muffin/cupcakes! Going to try them tomorrow!! Will post a pic/recipe and let you know how they taste :)
Oooh, sounds intriguing!
I know... I like to add a bit of suspense to my diary! ;) ..lol.. They look amazing with 'frosting' too!! :eat: Just need to get a few bits tonight before I start work to make them :)
So.... I forgot to get the Quark from work so I've had do these 'cakes' without 'frosting'..lol.. But they are in the oven now...fingers crossed if they are any good I'll post the recipe :)
Hiya Kirsty, Don't apologise you've had bigger things on your plate :) I'm good...weigh in tomorrow so hoping for a loss.... managed another 3 days of EESP this week so hoping for a 2.5lb loss this week for my 3 1/2 stone award. Was going to do another 4th day, but really craving carbs today so back to EE and some SW chips!..lol.

Yes the muffin/cupcakes.... an acquired taste possibly I may have to tinker with the recipe a bit more to suit my taste, but I will add the pics once I've added my diary entry for today :)
Thursday 5th March - EE

Steps last night - 22,456 (10.63 miles)

HEa -250ml milk
HEb - 35g Porridge Oats

Cherry Bakewell Muffins (1.5 syns for all 5!) with fresh raspberries and strawberries served with a FF Cherry Yoghurt (Recipe in next post!)
Option Choc Orange - 1.5 syns
View attachment 168444
They were quite nice better than the Weetabix ones I thought... I think next time I will add more sweetener though.

Was sleeping... ooopssss!
Option Choc Orange - 1.5 syns

Gammon, Spicy Beans with mushrooms and onions and SW Chips!!! Whoop! Excited about chippys! ..lol..
Diet Orangeade

Hot Chocolate - 3 syns

Total Syns - 7.5 syns
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Cherry Bakewell Muffins
View attachment 168448
I got 5 out of my mix, may depend on your cases though.
You will need:-
View attachment 168449
35g Porridge Oats
50g of Frozen Cherries (2.5 for 100g so allowing 1.5 syns to be safe for 50g)
1 tsp Almond Essence
2 eggs
2 tbsp of Sweetener
Silicone muffin/cupcake molds (dead cheap and really handy!)

Pre-heat the oven to 180. I used the oats as my HEXb to keep the syns down more. Defrost the cherries in the mic or leave to defrost if you have time. Whisk up the eggs and add them to oats in a bowl. Add your cherries along with the juices, add the essence and sweetener (I think next time I might add more sweetener, but it depends on your taste I would say) and mix well. Divide between the cases.
View attachment 168450
Cook in the oven for around 15 minutes until golden brown or cooked through.

I liked these more than the weetabix and have some more ideas for some others that I'm gonna try out soon! think they would be nice cold though I ate all mine while they will still warm!!...lol.. Will add the others as I make them...let me know what you think if you try them! :)
Sound delicious...might give them a go! X
So weigh in day.... lost 1 1/2 lb this week. Not the 2 1/2 I was hoping for but there is always next week :) Just glad for a loss to undo the naughtiness last weekend..lol.. :)
well done!! :)
Thanks guys... I am happy. We're out tomorrow night with friends again!...lol... So I can't complain 4 weekends out/away and still lost 9lb in that time :) I am wondering if I am being too optimistic on hitting target for holiday now though. Can I do 22lb in 10 weeks? I don't think I can...but I'm gonna do my best to get damn close...lol..
I'm usually out 1 or 2 nights a week, it will be 2 this week, and although it means making different choices so far I am managing to stay on, or very close to, plan. So far (touch wood and fingers crossed!) I'm averaging 2lbs a week. I think 22lbs in 10 weeks is achievable if you keep at it :) and if not, as you said, you will be damn close!

I'm going to make your Doner Kebab recipe today or tomorrow :)
Yeah..I 1-2lb a week is my usual too. We shall see what happens I guess!

Let me know what you think Clair. I've had many friends make it that don't even follow SW and they have loved it :)