Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

Yeah what is it with men and parents? Boohoo!
Morning everyone, today I'm 10.1.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoop whoop! If I tweak some bits I should be 9 something by the end of next week, I've set myself a goal :)

im so happy because yesterday I put my size 12 top shop jeans on and they had room plus oh takes the dogs on to the field for a walk and I usually stay at the top with the other dogs but decided to go join him and as I walked towards him he said "I still get a surprise at how small you've got" I was beaming :) which means he does see he just never says.

yesterdays menu
B coconut oil and cream coffee.
1 cream coffee.

L 25g Stilton, 7 cranberries, 40ml natural yoghurt and 5 morello cherries.

D cod fillet in butter sauce, mixed cabbage shredded.
S 20g vintage cheddar, 25g red cheddar
S 6 squares 85% dark Lindt
water 3 litres maybe more.

ooooooooooooooooooh and guess what, I've ordered myself some new appregio nespresso capsules plus 50 of the new dark choc ones. Can't wait for them to arrive.

no Atkins bars left now and I'm not buying any more, I do believe proper dark choc with natural ingredients will be more beneficial than lab made Atkins bars. I do prefer Atkins bars to dark choc but tough. The carb count on the dark choc is 20g per 100g bar which when I think of it I actually quite good. A little a day and I'm happy keeping it until my evenings when dogs have been put to bed for the night and I make myself a nice strong cream coffee with TV/DVDs :) hey we need something to look forward to :)
Oh and here is fudge with baby Thornton :)
picture won't post :( I've tried several times. Il try again later on lap top.


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Wow wow wow Lauren, your doing so well. Well done to OH for noticing and paying such a lovely compliment. I don't think they realise but it's all the little things that count for us girls.

Doggies so fluffy and cute, more pics of the pup pleeeease x
Good news on the scales, the jeans and the compliment! A really lovely compliment too!

Cute picture of the two girls. Hmmmm, 'Fudge', 'Thornton'. Do I see a theme here? Promise me you won't call one of the poor little things 'Atkins mint bar'!!!
You will be seeing the 9's soon :) can't imagine you not being quite petite, you weigh loads less than me and I guess taller too.

How are you getting on with the shred? Sure you will see good results! x
Morning everyone,

and thanks for all the lovely comments :)

unfortunately it was short lived and I'm back up to 10.2.6 :( bah humbug!

Really ruined my day let me tell you........

yesterdays menu
B 1 coconut oil coffee
2 cream coffees.
20g vintage cheddar, 40ml natural yoghurt.

L cod fillet, spinach.

D 2 slices wheatgerm, 25g sweet chilli cheese spread asdas own 100g worth = 6g carb.
s feta, olive, garlic and olive oil.
s pepperami.
s 4 squares Lindt 85% dark choc.

water 4 litres, 1 costa iced americano with pouring cream, 2 soy coffees.

Mind you I ate like a pig so no wonder.'s my own fault, I actually had an enjoying day eating wise and so no wonder I gained. I need to go back to very little to see the 9s clearly.

hope you all have a lovely day! and I'm off now to catch up on all your diaries.
Doesn't sound to me like you ate much, hun! Maybe do without the wheatgerm for a bit and see if that makes a difference?
Hi Lauren - I found you ;)

I have spent the last couple of days reading your diary and 2 things spring to mind - fruit cheeses and gel bras :D Made me laugh.

Just wanted to offer my support too. You have done brilliantly! Not only have you lost 2 and a half stone since March - you have kept it off. For most of us who lose weight - the maintaining is the hardest bit. You have cracked it and I know once you get to goal you will keep the weight off. I wish I had your determination to keep going even when the scales don't say what we want them to.

I hope you've had a good day and I look forward to following your journey to 8 stone 12.

Becka x
Morning, I haven't been on here for a few days, but so much has happened in you diary, new pup, lovely compliment from hubby, and difficult scales. You will get the nines very soon.
Susie I agree, I need to ditch the bread and will. No more. I ate some yesterday but today will behave. How are you?

Moonwatcher, why you hiding behind a sofa? You need to hide completely ;) I'm sick of veg...roflma are right and I will get more down my neck. How are you?
Susie I agree, I need to ditch the bread and will. No more. I ate some yesterday but today will behave. How are you?

All good thanks Lauren, back on induction for me today and really happy to be back doing l/c. I love bread too but it just doesn't love me back, sigh...:)
Hi Lauren - I found you ;)

I have spent the last couple of days reading your diary and 2 things spring to mind - fruit cheeses and gel bras :D Made me laugh.

Just wanted to offer my support too. You have done brilliantly! Not only have you lost 2 and a half stone since March - you have kept it off. For most of us who lose weight - the maintaining is the hardest bit. You have cracked it and I know once you get to goal you will keep the weight off. I wish I had your determination to keep going even when the scales don't say what we want them to.

I hope you've had a good day and I look forward to following your journey to 8 stone 12.

Becka x

Morning Becka, thanks so much for reading my diary and for the lovely supportive comments. It's been. Rollercoaster of emotions and scale movements and I feel I am just coasting at the moment because although I have lost 2-1/2 stone, I'm not budging, I'm playing with the same pound over and over each month, going back and forth and making no real progress. Nightmare but if I'm honest I didn't do strict induction for long enough and have been enjoying bread, fruit and cheese too much :)

il check your diary out, I've heard of exante but never tried it, is it any good?

hope you have a lovely day!
Morning, I haven't been on here for a few days, but so much has happened in you diary, new pup, lovely compliment from hubby, and difficult scales. You will get the nines very soon.

Oh Sammy I hope so......I'm dreaming of seeing 9 something on the scale but seem to be coasting back way from it happening any time soon. Gahhh! How are you?
All good thanks Lauren, back on induction for me today and really happy to be back doing l/c. I love bread too but it just doesn't love me back, sigh...:)

You are so right, bread just doesn't love us :( wahhhh. It works with so many spreads and fillings and butter.....I have my fingers of course but it wouldn't be the same ;)

good luck back on induction :) will you be posting your menus?