Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

More hugs Goldi x
how about lots of jiggy jiggy as exercise? Sure your man would be chuffed ;-) definitely get those endorphins up and certainly curb the appetite.
Your gain is really small so don't fret about it, sure once things have calmed with the pups you will get back in the right frame of mind x
Morning everyone,

10.4.2 today but I'm not feeling defeated, it's understandable because I've been eating lots of naughty things. Funnily enough haven't cheated once with real bad stuff that I used to eat pre Atkins but nonetheless the fruit cheese, wheatgerm and toooo much coffee/cream isn't doing me favours.

i fell over yesterday big time after topping up dogs water outside, had to climb back over gate and caught my foot (was half asleep still just woke from hour nap) and its all go to get the dogs back up from their day time eat and nap. So no relaxing, or 5 mins wake up with a's all go go go madness and I'm so dizzy at these times it's worrying.
I fell really hard on to my knee from a height, smacked my hip and my arm, knee was grazed and bleeding with arm, and I've got a saw red hip...I cried dont laugh....I think I was in shock plus already quite emotional about the puppy. So the fall made me fall to pieces.

we lost one of the new puppies yesterday, the little orange girl. I found her lifeless and cold so tried to warm her up to get her feeding and all looked good but then when I went back in to check she was taking her last breath, I'm not enjoying this part of breeding at all and do wonder if I can keep putting myself through it. It's heartbreaking and I dwell for months over this type of thing. I hate taking money for them when they are ready to go to their new homes, I hate finding them homes because there is always something about the emails I get where I don't quite think they are good enough..sounds awful of me I know but I've met some lunatics this way and liars who have terrible intentions once they get your puppies.
I don't believe this whole thing is good for my health put it that way.

Yesterday morning I did my treadmil, speed 4.0 with hand weights throughout (arms are killing) then for the last 5 mins of the 20 I jogged until I couldn't see for sweat. I also took my York matt through and did crunches, sits ups, push-ups and bridge for a good 30mins, all the time incorporating my hand weights. Il be doing this regular and I'm in pain This morning so something's worked :)

watched my Lewis recordings last night followed by a great program called the men who are making us fat or something like that?? Interesting and about how deadly sugar is but how the food industries will lobby against letting reports out. Greedy profit drven cretins who do not care about our healthy.

I best go, I've gone on long enough and need to catch up with ll your diaries before my morning hour to myself is over.
hope you all have great day!
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Oh my goodness, Lauren, yes, I'm sure of it! When life goes a bit t*ts up, eating is sometimes the only thing left that we can control.

I can comfort eat for England when things are going badly, or when I'm success in changing your way of eating has to include working towards making your whole life better. I guess that's why exercise is so good for you because the endorphins make you feel much more upbeat.

I think going back to induction sounds like a plan - you can still eat loads but maybe give the fruit cheese and bread/potatoes a miss :)

Morning susie,
i am a monster food zombie for comfort eating and it's what got me in the state I was in in the first place so not so comforting after all :) I did the exercise after reading your post and yes it helps...just need to keep it up :)
Tee, Lisa, I'm actually really not in the mood for sexies right now...couldn't give too hoots but then again been with him 8 or 9? Years and its never as exciting as it is in the first years. I'd rather go to the gym plus depression makes you just want to curl up on the sofa with TV of a night time not dress up in cutsie wootsie outits and bonk lol
Awe Lauren big big hugs xx.

Such a lovely rewarding business but so very sad and awfully heart breaking at the same time. Big big hugs sent xx. It's no wonder your emotionally drained and the fall over the gate just tipped you I think. I hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly.

At least you did one positive thing by finding time and pushing yourself. Your so strong and restrained, if I can never go off plan and still eat sensibly. I usually go nuts.

Here's a little pic I want you to see;


Hope it cheers you up a bit x.
OMG I saw that pic on FB yesterday :eek:

Oh Lauren hun you are going through the wringer at the moment! So sorry to hear about the wee puppy, I would find that heartbreaking too. I know there must be lots of great sides to it, but if it is so upsetting and worrying for you, maybe think about doing something else? What about dogwalking or working at a refuge instead?

And here's a big hug for your knee, not surprised you had a good weep. Sounds to me like you need a few good night's sleep xx
Tee, Lisa, I'm actually really not in the mood for sexies right now...couldn't give too hoots but then again been with him 8 or 9? Years and its never as exciting as it is in the first years. I'd rather go to the gym plus depression makes you just want to curl up on the sofa with TV of a night time not dress up in cutsie wootsie outits and bonk lol

Sorry replying to this first as it made me chuckle :) x
Oh Goldi the breeding business sounds heartbreaking :-( why do we put ourselves through the heartbreak? apart from the fact that we love what we do...... (Hope it makes sense, did to me as I was typing)

Fantastic on the exercise front! Hope you are recovering after the fall, take it easy till you are fully recovered. As for the food, you ate really good at figuring out what is working so keep at it and it will all come together. Get past this stressful period and hopefully you will be back on track. Is it cortisone that is made when we are stressed which halts weight loss? Think we all need to book into a health farm for a couple of weeks x
Big hugs to you goldie, bless you, not good times. Sorry to hear about the pup and your fall. We're thinking of you.

One thing about your fall, I have found Arnica (herbal remedy available at any good health store) to really help with aches and bruising after a fall/op/trauma. It makes the world of difference, I swear by it. Get it in you as quick as you can as you'll be hurting if not tomorrow def in 2 days time and this will help.
Morning everyone, just finished reading your replies and trying to catch up on diaries... There are loads now!!

i haven't been on here for what feels like a few days, due to getting up later and not having the spare time to indulge my online morning pleasure.

I weigh 10.3.6 today.....I'm a wee bit confused because I've been very good.
The only thing I've been naughty on is my nespressos and although Val heard back from the company saying there are no carbs in them....I'm struggling to believe this so am experimenting and drinking my usual kenco Costa Rican, no nespressos for a couple of days to see if this brings my weight and bloat back down. Before the nespressos I was down to 10.1.8 and that was with naughty pieces of dark choc on a night time.

Anywho, I'm still feeling a little bit down but...I have been back on my treadmill power walking holding my hand weights and doing loads of abb crunches, sit ups, bridge which freaking kills!!! Lunges, squats, star jumps etc etc. I'm in agony :) and have done this routine for about 1 hour per day for three days now..I so hope I keep t up. I want my stomach gone and my thighs toned. I just watched the 30 day shred then went In to the porch and did as many things as I could remember until I was in pain.
having to wait until fudge and Thornton have moved back out of my sitting room so I can do my 30 day shred properly with TV, otherwise when lying down on matt she will molest my head and suck my face to death lol

I have decided not to have another McDonald's again, something I watched made me decide this even if its without bun Nd fillings. I always gain even after one of them.

Menu for the past few days has looked like this.
B coffee cream X 3

L bacon, spinach, salad leaves, feta and olives, tbs philli sweet chilli spread.

D salmon or chicken with stir fry veg.

S pepperamis, 3 year old vintage cheddar....phwar...gorgeous, wenslydale, last night I was desperate for something sweet so had 3 dried apricots. Hardly as naughty as I used to be. So I do believe I've been good.

water, always aim for 3-4 litres and manage most days.

2 things I'm struggling with, I'm losing loads more hair than before, noticing it all the time now. No park for a few days and when I do manage it's not great and I think I need a dr....I won't say why.
i don't understand....before this diet I ate total crap from morning to night but was bouncing with health even though fat.

Hope you all are well?
P.s before I forget, I recorded a full series of obese a year to save my life and it is really inspirational. I watched 3 episodes last night, could have watched more but oh wanted the tv....poooo. It was 12:38 am mind so will let him off.

i watched and cried and decided I can not go back because if I do it will all get out of hand and I would hate to start back at my previous weight all over again. These people bless them worked so hard and lost half of their body weight and still had at least that again to go. My heart goes out to them, they are stronger than I will ever be.
One of the ladies had a huge food addiction, I understand this well because food thoughts consume my thoughts at least 95% of the day, wish there was a magic pill that would block these thoughts. Some people don't have them past eating their normal meals. I wish I could understand the brain better, back to reading more online later for me as a treat because I find it all extremely interesting.
Hi, I have just read the last week if your diary, you are really struggling at the moment. I hope things improve for you.....I good chat with a nice Dr will help.
Oh Goldie, you are going through the wars, big hugs to you. Not nice not being in good health!

Of course remember Atkins will make it harder to go 'park' (if I get your meaning?) but lots of leafy green veg and maybe a mim every so often (good for getting things moving) might help?

As for the obese show, not seen it but one wonderful thing you took away from it is what you want and don't want and when you know that you can work towards it! xox
I am having trouble also, I certainly notice a difference when I eat more veg. And I know I should drink more water. It doesn't feel nice to be so stuck though eh Lauren. I do find that to listen to Dana Carpender's podcasts can be interesting and motivating. Not a podcast but Jimmy Moore talks about her books here LLVLC On YouTube: The Great Dana Carpender! (Episode 19) - YouTube

Here's Dana's site HoldTheToast! by Dana Carpender | Low Carbohydrate Blog and Books You can access her podcasts here or via iTunes.

I think sometimes, when you are feeling like things aren't going right, you just need to HEAR or READ inspiring things, something that will give a new perspective or new ideas. I hope this helpd Lauren. I find when I go looking for these things for other people, it helps ME too :D
Yep I agree, I always get inspired by other peoples stories - have a look through Jim's thread too, he lost an astonishing 12 stone, and has changed his life around.

Re the park issues, please go and talk to your GP - but also do get the spinach down you, and maybe try psyllium husk tablets, as recommended by Dr Atkins. And drink lots of water.
Oh Goldie, you are going through the wars, big hugs to you. Not nice not being in good health!

Of course remember Atkins will make it harder to go 'park' (if I get your meaning?) but lots of leafy green veg and maybe a mim every so often (good for getting things moving) might help?

As for the obese show, not seen it but one wonderful thing you took away from it is what you want and don't want and when you know that you can work towards it! xox

Yeah tell me about it but I've been gagging down coconut oil whether I like it or not and its moving things as soon as I've finished my coffee with it in. 1 tbs gross but working so I need some nose plugs ;) I love coconut too but I realised only in a bounty form teehee.