Thanks Toni, val, firelass for the lovely words. I hope you are all well?
Pat il shimmy over to your diary to catch up and reply
toni, I've never heard of that only biotin but am looking in to them all because this hair thing is worrying when all my tests show nothing abnormal.
Val, coffee? That's worrying and I'm wondering exactly what damage it's doing to me since I drink gallons!
i was offered citalopram and a therapist from my doctor but have not picked up the tablets since reading on them they have scared me. I hope the doctor isn't too upset with me not taking them but at the end of the day it's my body and the side effects sound horrendous, is anyone in here on them?
today after 2 good days I'm down to 10.1 which is great and proves with effort I'm able to budge as I was beginning to worry since sticking at around 10.2.6 for so long.
My menu yesterday
B 1 extra shot coffee with 1 heaped tbs coconut oil and double cream.
1 black coffee.
3 slices bacon, 1 cheese strip.
1.5 litres water.
L was a bit naughty.....2 cream crackers heaped with Kerry gold.
3 silverkrin pickled onions.
1 cheese strip.
1.5 litres water.
1 coffee cream.
D cauliflower with cream, mayo, cheddar and red cheddar oven bake.
S 4 pickled onions, 1 tsp Philly.
1 coffee costa with cream.
i always gave myself a goal of getting to 8-1/2 to 9 stone by my birthday 8th December but honestly I don't know where the time has gone and because I have ended up maintaining at 10 ish for three months now..I think I've missed my goal boat

I'm going to see if I can get to at least 9-1/2 though by my birthday. It's my mini challenge to keep me motivated.
wish me luck! I know what I need to do to move it faster but it's actually behaving mega and doing.....lets see!