well done on the weight loss, getting past the plateau.
Those sort of meds can take quite a while to get to a therapeutic level, its because of how the brain works and the body at filtering things out.
I have been to counseling a few times now

I really find it helps though, see if you find the right person. It is just amazing, its not about them, its about what skills they can help you with that enable you to help your self. But its a lot better from a person instead of a book. Someone who's sole purpose is to listen to you, not be thinking about what they are going to say next instead but truly listing. It's nice to sometimes hear that what we feel is ok, its not silly at all or what ever else we might think and feel about things.
I found it starts of gentle, they do the usual get to know you a bit questions. I spent quite a while talking about my dogs and my life first of all then I never really realised how the conversation had shifted. Now I just come out and tell the poor guy all sorts of things. some may be an over share.
I have learnt some really interesting things about my self, and also how to manage stress a bit better, how to recognise my triggers and when I need to take a step back. Also learnt to know where my limits are, so I don't get to breaking point and melt. But if I miss them and I do, I now know how to deal with it and get myself back up.
I'm a bit of a sponge, tis why I love you tube so much.
Your new clothes sound awesome!

I admire your dedication going out in this cold. I have only managed once. I'm dreading swimming tomorrow brrrrr.
How do you feel about christmas? I hate it, but I just think that for woman it can be a stressful time trying to make sure everyone else has a good time. And also the uk is so gray, that cant help!
Hope this week is good to you!