Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie

Hello :) here to subscribe and I'm in Tyne and wear too :)
Hi Lauren, just wanted to say hello on here! Been following this diary for a while and also am part of the LC group on Facebook. :)

You encouraged me to take up LC before as I was stuck at 13 stone 5 (after losing about 3 stone over a couple of years). I got down to 9 stone 12 ish in November, then, I sabotaged myself by eating awfully until this month as I was feeling so rubbish. I'm back in to it now, but I'm 10st 6 at the moment. I'm exercising every day now and it seems to be helping, but if I'm feeling low, I admit it is hard to get motivated to move!
Hi Lauren, welcome back:) I'm still here as always! Walking sounds like a great way to keep fit xx
Hey Lauren lovely to see you back (yes, I'm still here, I have no friends outside this forum lol)

LOL oh you poor thing - but moving is so stressful and it's really easy to grab for whatever's convenient! Back on the wagon for us all :D

Urgh yes yes I felt like a greasy chip that week....been good ever since. It's nice to see all you still on here :)
Hello :) here to subscribe and I'm in Tyne and wear too :)

thanks Vicky :) nice to meet you. I've followed your diary too, how are you doing?
Hi Lauren, just wanted to say hello on here! Been following this diary for a while and also am part of the LC group on Facebook. :)

You encouraged me to take up LC before as I was stuck at 13 stone 5 (after losing about 3 stone over a couple of years). I got down to 9 stone 12 ish in November, then, I sabotaged myself by eating awfully until this month as I was feeling so rubbish. I'm back in to it now, but I'm 10st 6 at the moment. I'm exercising every day now and it seems to be helping, but if I'm feeling low, I admit it is hard to get motivated to move!


I am glad to hear I helped somewhat encourage you. It's super hard sometimes to maintain and stay well especially when things get in the way and kick us off plan for a bit. I tend to do well until I get nearer goal then sabotage's quite sinister what the brain makes you do because my body sure as hell don't need the awful stuff my brain has me craving at times. Well done on the weightloss so far, the rest will come away in time :)
Hi everyone,

I'm still here trucking along. I've managed to get back down to 10.2 after getting to 10.6.8 just under two weeks ago so that's a great loss for me. Clearly all water weight but I feel at my weight it's good that anything still flows off.

I'm joining a gym which I will walk to so there's extra movement. I'm at the parks nearly ever day sometimes twice on dog runs so I'm more active and if I get a slow day it drives me mad.

Ive been eating very well and on plan for around 2 weeks now and each day I can honestly say I do not want to go back to eating crud. I feel vitalised and wired, you know that euphoric feeling that comes with this way of eating. I'm not sure if I'm in ketosis, I should be but have no clue anymore.

Im up around 6-7am every morning so plenty of time to post my menus here again. I love my cream so much that I am starting to smell like a joke :(

I have also put my boyfriend on this way of eating and in he's losing slower than I thought. Started at 16.8 six days ago and he is now 16.2 he's going down and stuffing his face but I thought men lost soooooo much in their first weeks? He was such a carb junkie too so I'd have thought it would whoosh off. Mind you I've read as much as I can and I figure he possibly could be metabolically resistant/ damaged? They say if your obese it's likely this is the case and by health standards he would be classed as obese so wondering if it's just going to take him longer to get in to ketosis? He said he doesn't feel any different.
because he saw how quick and easy I could drop weight he's finally given in and allowed me to help him although it's not a diet he has ever liked the sound of but he can't argue with my results so I win. Therefore I want him to have great results. Just like if you watch a movie and tell someone it's good you want them to think its good or you feel awkward ;)
Hi Lauren, glad you are doing well. I have my partner doing it along with me as well, he hasn't read up on anything just eats what I tell him to haha. Sounds like you are getting on great x
Hi Lauren, great loss there. Thinking of low carbing it starting next week. I'm just wanting a change for a couple of weeks and love my cream too, mostly in my coffee. Look forward to seeing your menus. X
Hey Lauren

Good to see how well you are doing, hun, brilliant! And don't worry, if your OH is sticking to it he will lose steadily too :)
Hi everyone,

I think I'm eating too much :( in fact I just don't have a clue anymore. I keep reading about upping the fats but how much is a good move? No one says precisely so me dumbo can understand if I'm doing it right.

yesterday I upped my fats so much I felt sick for the whole day...mind you it's totm so I felt bad anyway but still.

anyway today's menu

B 2 tbs coconut oil coffee, 3 coffees with double cream.

L 1 chicken breast butterflied and ate one side fried in a great big knob of butter.
1 hard boiled egg with 1 heaped tsp mayo.

D Il probably have cauli rice made with cream and black pepper with 2 Cumberland chipolata sausages from asda low in carbs around 1.6 for two.

ive been guzzling my water because I am such a good girl for water :) and that's on top of all my coffees.

If I get hungry later I've got some ox tongue or il have a glass of around 100 mills cream :( yes it keeps me full for ages.

i know what you are all thinking because there's hardly any veg there but tomorrow will be higher in veg.

My weight is driving me mad, before moving here I was 9.11 lowest since fetus....but I can't seem to get there again. Is it the cream and too much proteins?
Good question Lauren I was wondering the same. Dana Carpender is a good source of low carb info. They say you should figure out how many calories/grams of protein and carbs you'll want per day and the rest comes from fat. She gives you the formula in the link below. They also say it should be moderate protein and high fat. I'm still trying to do about 1300 calories. My protein should be about 70 grams, my carbs will be about 50 which would leave 91 grams of fat! I'm not sure I can eat that much but may give it a go if I find I'm not losing. For today I'm at 1046 cal with 81 gr of protein/ 33 grams carbs and 63 grams fat.

I definitely overdid the cheese today :( will cut back a bit tomorrow, I think cheese can stall. They suggest your fat source should be from meat, fish, nuts, seeds,butter, avocados eggs, coconut oil and olive oil.

Hope this helps. X

25: How Much Fat Should I Eat? | Dana's Low Carb for Life!
Hi Val,

its ts very confusing isn't it??? Since upping my fats I'm gaining heavily back. It's frightening.
ive been on the website and will read more with my morning coffee.. I'm wondering if I'm holding weight because I am so stressed lately or totm although even annoying I've never gained this much weight at this time before.

thanks for the link :) will try and digest it all and see if it gives some ideas for me as to what I could be doing wrong.
Morning all, 10.3.8 today :( since upping my fats my weights ramping up and I'm fed up. I was 10.2 three days ago.

menu yesterday posted above and I had a snack of ham,cheese, 2 pickled onions.

as for dinner the cauli rice and sausages. I only ate half because I felt satisfied half way so gave the rest to oh.

I am just so confused, I didn't even drink my usual 100ml cream. Oh I did drink marigold bullion, do you think I could be holding water from the salt?

No idea what I eating today because I'm feeling quite meh so will post that in the morning.

anyway hope you are all keeping well?
Hiya Lauren

I don't really understand the whole fat/protein level thing, so can't help there I'm afraid! But weighing more than once a week probably isn't helping, hun, because your weight can bounce around like mad on a low carb diet.

But you may well be holding water from the bouillon - Kallo do a reduced salt veg stock, why not try that? :)
Hi Lauren, I definitely think daily weighing is a mistake on low carb. It's definitely non linear. So stick clean & green, avoid your known stallers and it will come off;)
Thanks susie and Katie :) I know I shouldn't weigh in every day. I suppose I'm just scared that if I don't keep an eye on it the weight will be out of control but I should know by now that it won't happen in that way.
Hi everyone,

well today I'm down a little more so I'm happy that things can move and it's the end of totm which always gets me. As some of you may know I put oh on this way of eating and so far he's lost 8lbs in around 12 days which he is happy about. Not sure if this is good/bad/normal for men? He's over 6ft and started at 16.8. I do believe he could have some sort of thyroid issues though so will urge him to get that checked.

he has been so up and down emotion wise with the whole eating thing because he is a major carb boy but I think even he cannot deny now that it works and boy has he stuffed his face calories wise whilst on this.

For me I am very happy, I usually wake at 6am every morning without my alarm clock. Today I woke at 10am........but of course the clocks had gone forward so I say 9am to make myself feel better ;)
i know I must be in ketosis because I've not cheated, my appetite has gone although I'm getting tremendous hunger pains, peeing for England and freezing all day. I also sleep well and wake early.

Menu yesterday

B a small bowl of tuna, mayo, cucumber and olives. I couldn't finish it for the life of me.
L tin of mackerel which I had to push down.....Bawk.
D homemade burgers (no bun) with cheese, managed 1 and couldn't face the other.

S small piece of Red Leicester, 2 slices chorizo, 4 olives.

Im a sucker for coffee and I usually drink around 7 double shot ones throughout the day on top of around 4 litres of water. The coffee is worrying not only because I have high blood pressure but also the amount of cream that's being consumed in these.....I'm working on it.

Woke with a headache today and drank a litre of water and it's disappeared....fingers crossed for good :)

When I first moved in and ate bad carbs I slept badly and woke late, and was extremely hot and uncomfortable among a few other horrible bloated and depressed feelings.

I think even if I do not get to my goal of around 8-1/2 to 9 stone then I will still be ok with it all because there is no denying it feels good to be eating this way compared to sluggish, bloated, hot, depressed and going back to where I came from easily which I do not ever want.

hope you are all having a great weekend? :)
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