Hi everyone,
well today I'm down a little more so I'm happy that things can move and it's the end of totm which always gets me. As some of you may know I put oh on this way of eating and so far he's lost 8lbs in around 12 days which he is happy about. Not sure if this is good/bad/normal for men? He's over 6ft and started at 16.8. I do believe he could have some sort of thyroid issues though so will urge him to get that checked.
he has been so up and down emotion wise with the whole eating thing because he is a major carb boy but I think even he cannot deny now that it works and boy has he stuffed his face calories wise whilst on this.
For me I am very happy, I usually wake at 6am every morning without my alarm clock. Today I woke at 10am........but of course the clocks had gone forward so I say 9am to make myself feel better

i know I must be in ketosis because I've not cheated, my appetite has gone although I'm getting tremendous hunger pains, peeing for England and freezing all day. I also sleep well and wake early.
Menu yesterday
B a small bowl of tuna, mayo, cucumber and olives. I couldn't finish it for the life of me.
L tin of mackerel which I had to push down.....Bawk.
D homemade burgers (no bun) with cheese, managed 1 and couldn't face the other.
S small piece of Red Leicester, 2 slices chorizo, 4 olives.
Im a sucker for coffee and I usually drink around 7 double shot ones throughout the day on top of around 4 litres of water. The coffee is worrying not only because I have high blood pressure but also the amount of cream that's being consumed in these.....I'm working on it.
Woke with a headache today and drank a litre of water and it's disappeared....fingers crossed for good
When I first moved in and ate bad carbs I slept badly and woke late, and was extremely hot and uncomfortable among a few other horrible bloated and depressed feelings.
I think even if I do not get to my goal of around 8-1/2 to 9 stone then I will still be ok with it all because there is no denying it feels good to be eating this way compared to sluggish, bloated, hot, depressed and going back to where I came from easily which I do not ever want.
hope you are all having a great weekend?