Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

gonnabesmall said:
thank you my darlin,how did you get on? loving the sexy new pic :)

how good am i listening to evenessance and on the running machine,i gonna work my ass off this week,im gonna see that 10 if it kills me.

off for another piercing in me belly next week and a new tattoo,wondering if i should have stars,similar to what i just had done or go for hearts,gonna have it on my right side,cant wait..all syked up.BRING IT ON

Lol ur whipping 10's ass this week!!! Good for u yeehah :)

Another tattoo, ur a brave lady! Willit be a big one?? X
Hey Leanne, you know last week you had that humungous loss ... do you think you ate less? I've had a look at your food diary and there isn't much on it! Were your portions generous enough and were you hungry at all?

Just being nosey! I might copy your eats!
lol,i didnt really snack much,when i had that bean chilli i used that boil in the bag rice and i had 2 bags of it,greedy huh..didnt really feel hungry and my portions are usually quite bigx

somtimes i think this cant be right piling my plate up then having seconds ,but obviously it does work.

hope i lose this week too,last week was also totm so i actually shouted YES ,when i saw the scales,really didnt expect that much of a loss this week x
actually ali,just gone back and read through my diary and there dosent seem to be much there does there.

breakfast i usually miss cos cant usually stomach fruit 1st thing and havent got time for a full on cooked breakfast,not the 4 littleuns to get ready for school,

i did do a green week ;last week for a change though ,maybe that made a difference,hey maybe it was all that cheese,lol
wednesday - green

breakfast - raspberries and strawberries

dinner - how good this,went shopping,my kids and oh they all had a pasty from the bakery,i had a bag of carrot sticks,good ole me.

4 x pagen krisprolls 71g primula light,tomatoes

tea - omg i fancy chilli,think im addicted to spicy beans ;).yep had my chilli,bloody ansome twas too

heax1=71g primula light
heax2=42g hf cheese
hebx1=3x pagen krisprolls
hebx2=kellogs plus bar

syns =0
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well,meal out is cancelled on fri,phew,but out christmas shopping tom orrow with oh.we prob go out for tea though,think it was a weather spoon type place so at least i can try :)

BUT,i promised myself if i see the 10s on sat im gonna treat myself to a indian takeaway and a bottle of asti....gah im a girl with class aernt it,pmsl
thanks my lovely,i dont expect a loss really cos of the good loss i had last week ,and yesterday all i ha all day was a few chunks of melon in the morning,stopped midday for a coffee,but hopefully my a choice will cover that,then we went for tea and i had a chicken curry with naan bread and chips,i was starving,but hopefully my saved syns will covered that .wel see what those scales say tomorrow.

now off for my 2nd tattoo,il post pics later,im brickin it but excited ;o)
tattoo no 2,my god,it bloody hurt,tis on my ribs,excuse my stretch marks ;o)
