Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

bloomin eck,brace yourselfs girls,went shopping today and bought the usual stuff .bought some lovely bat shaped shortbread with choc chips,thinking sod it im gonna have a couple when i get home with a lovely cup of tea and guess what....I DIDNT......the little angel must be sticking up for me today,i sat and had my cuppa with a bag of cherry tomatoes......wow wee
bloomin eck,brace yourselfs girls,went shopping today and bought the usual stuff .bought some lovely bat shaped shortbread with choc chips,thinking sod it im gonna have a couple when i get home with a lovely cup of tea and guess what....I DIDNT......the little angel must be sticking up for me today,i sat and had my cuppa with a bag of cherry tomatoes......wow wee

It's good girl Leanne today :angel09:

Watch that halo don't slip hun xx ;)
Whoohoo!! Well done on your great loss this week hunny!!! Doing great!! Does this mean 4lb til actual target?!! Sooo close, you must be really pleased as punch!! So am I amending your total to lose on the Advent calendar challenge?!! Hope you have a fab time at the wedding on this glorious day!!X

me and my tribe,excuse my daft smile ;o)