Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

friday - ee

breakfast - melon

dinner - none as was being pumped full of ink,lol hope it dosent weigh lots ,haha

tea - this is really bad,im gonna have my lovely bean chilli again,with rice


heax1=lattee in spoons,hope that counts
heax2=42g hf cheese
hebx1=2xwm bread
3xpagen krisprolls
syns = scrape of flora 1
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Well personally hun I think that's a great result! There's not many that can lose 4.5lbs in one week then follow it with another loss ... let alone at this stage of the game!

Let your body settle into its new weight before pushing for the magic 10s. Otherwise it's just gonna pile back on :(

Have an Indian! Eat at your MILs! Go out on Friday! Life is for living hun ... you WILL get into the 10s ... I am absolutely positive! And when you are there I'm going to chase your butt down ... I'm coming after you!!!
omg,ive eaten nothing but crap these last 3 days.see it happens everytime.whenever ive had a fantastic week and dont see results i seem to go off the rails...

back on track though as from today

tuesday - ee

breakkfast - none

dinner - 4 x ryvitas with 71g philly sweet chilli light,tomatoes few slices of ham

tea - ham omelette and beans

heax1=71g philly
hebx1=4x ryvitas

syns - not gonna have any till weekend,trying to pull back on crap ive eaten
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wednesday = ee

breakfast - bowl of strawberries

late dinner - kiwi,apples,watermelon,pineapple,grapes

tea - chicken,mushrooms,onion garlic,stock all cooked together,with roast potatoes and bns,cabbage,brocolli, cauli,carrots and mushy peas

few slices of pineapple

heax1=71g philly

handfull of cherry tomatoes

syns = 0
Hey hun, soz to hear you're feeling down in the dumps this week! Try and find some nice things to do that cheer you up, and whatever you do don't let the b*%#$ds get you down! Whatever it is will pass I'm sure! Hope you're having a good week foodwise, and here's to a nice loss on Sat! Chin up! Ooh and Congrats on your latest 'tatt'! X
Any way of avoiding these people, or are we talking about family? Life is too precious to waste it on people who bring you down. If you care about these people perhaps you need a heart to heart with them. If you don't, maybe its time to give them a wide berth?! X