Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

OOER went out christmas shopping today,stopped for a skinny lattee with all good intentions and ended up having a christmas biscuit,THEN went spoons and had lasagne and salad,but i left most of it as it was cold,but didnt stop eating the extra chips with mayo and garlic bread....dammit,

garlic bread was strong feel a bit icky now so gonna have a cup of tea,settle down b4 i put kiddies to bed
i put on a flippin 1lb....today is oficially a non sw day,ive been so good all week to,perhaps it cos im due on next week,**** does that mean il prob have a **** result next week to :(

Grrr! I know you had a few treats on Thursday hun but I don't think you deserved a gain :(

Hopefully * week won't give you a crap result next week :rolleyes:

Keep chipping away at it ... you're nearly there xx
His hun. Just catching up. Sorry about your gain. I have gained the last 3 weeks. This week I dropped a pound but have another to lose to get back on track. It really gets me down and I think I've been eating more crap cos I've been happy. I think I do the opposite of comfort eating!!! Things going well with hubby at mo. been hungry all the time. Need some filling meals to chomp on. I have committed to coming on here every day this week to see if that helps me stay focussed. That's if I can find my diary!!!! Xxx
gonnabesmall said:
kieragh,my dinner was so tasty,better than those bloody fry light roasties,hope i havent done too much damage,its all ive had today really and im gonna be a angel for the rest of the week want to shift this 2lb at least

It wont be too bad missy, plus plenty of time to catch it up before next sat x