Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Oops sent too early! Take some time hun to enjoy ur shape now & revel in it, it's impt to do that. Xx

omg never thought of it like that .wow.i think with me i feel fat aound the middle,to me i feel hippy.but then on the other hand cant be as bad as what i see in the mirror if i finally down that many dress sizes
Day one for me today Leanne, so :fingerscrossed: and loads of determination and girl power!!


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Kieragh1515 said:
We're watching! :)

That's good - i need that for sure!!!

Busy cooking now!!

Might need to go back to basics and start cooking the cakes that I used to for that help when you have a sweet need :)

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bean chilli rocks i absoultley love it,lol,hazel ive posted the recepie a few pages back my sweet.it would be lovely to have you on board to my lovely,the more the merrier

kieragh il weigh with you fri if you like then i can enjoy my meal out on fri :).my sis ised to do ballet when she was younger and this was her birthday surprise,she danced to the nutcracker so will be lovely to see it.

AND i actually have somthing different for tea tonight,lol
here it is hazel,i found it

i use tescos mixed beans think they in spicy tomato sauce,baked beans and a tin of chilli kidney beans,bung in some onions and peppers (i used asda frozen)mushrooms bit lazy garlic and lazy chilli,2 beef oxos,tub of pasatta,splash of worchester sauce sprinkle of sweetner,salt and pepper and voila ,chilli..

mine was in the slow cooker all afternoon ansome,easy peasy
How's it going Leanne?

I have a chilli recipe which is v.simple too lol

Yesterday I am pleased to report 100% and so far so good - how are you doing?


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Oooh thanks luvvie. I always do a mince chilli so a bean one will be nice. Are all those Lazy garlic things free? I guess you could put in any beans - butter beans, black eye beans etc?? Will def give it a go. I like the sound of using the mixed beans cos you get the nice saucy flavour with them. Right, thats on the menu this week. I may even weigh a couple days early as it's dd's bday on saturday - well on Monday but we're doing it on saturday so I might weigh in on Friday. We'll see how I go this week. xx
tuesday - ee

breakfast - none


dinner - 6x wholegrain crakerbread,71g philly light,cucumber n tomatoes

tea - piri piri chicken,chips,got ss in piri piri

heax1=71g philly light
hebx1=6x crackerbread

was hungry starvin last night so about 8 o clock i made sweet potato and chilli soup,hope thats ok ,twas all free but no ss in it apart from onions and garlic

syns = rainbow drops 2.5
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gonnabesmall said:
tuesday - ee

breakfast - none


dinner - 6x wholegrain crakerbread,71g philly light,cucumber n tomatoes

tea - piri piri chicken,chips,got ss in piri piri

heax1=71g philly light
hebx1=6x crackerbread

syns =

Looking good Leanne.
Hope u don't mind but have stolen your idea of listing HEXS and SYNS at the bottom


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