Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

hi hazel.its not going too bad,ive got to my lowest ever of 11st 1lb and seem to have been stuck there for 2 weeks and last week put on a pound,aarrrgghhh,i did have a few bad days but surley i should of lost somthing in 3 bloody weeks,? never mind stll plodding on despaerte to see the 10s,knowing my luck,il get there b4 christmas then put it all back on and more besides......ho ho ho.

how are things with you?good i hope x
thursday - ee

breakfast - banana

dinner - - huge fruit salad,ww yogurt

tea - chicken curry with loads of ss and egg fried rice

heax1=42G HF CHEESE
hebx1=2XWW BREAD

syns 14g bag rainbow drops 2,scrape flora light 1

good girl today,went costa with my friend for our usual coffee and catch up,i had a cup of tea and no cake wow
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I'm good thanks. Things have had a major turnaround with hubby so all is well!! I have been rubbish for the last few weeks putting 2 lb on in 3 weeks but on to it now. Ahhhh costa coffee. Have you seen their new Christmas menu. Praline latte. Oh oh I got to go next week. Xx
thanks kieragh,but why do i still feel so fat.dont think in my head i can register that i am smaller now even though i recently bought about 6 pairs of size 12 jeans.....

saw a old friend in asda a few weeks back and she didnt recognise me...she said ive lost loads then i said i still feel huge,she then asked what size jeans i was wearing when i replied 12 she said ooh i could smack you ,lol made me smile

me going from my biggest wearing a size 22 now at my smallest ever wearing a 12

gonnabesmall said:
thanks kieragh,but why do i still feel so fat.dont think in my head i can register that i am smaller now even though i recently bought about 6 pairs of size 12 jeans.....

saw a old friend in asda a few weeks back and she didnt recognise me...she said ive lost loads then i said i still feel huge,she then asked what size jeans i was wearing when i replied 12 she said ooh i could smack you ,lol made me smile

me going from my biggest wearing a size 22 now at my smallest ever wearing a 12


That is truly amazing, 5 DRESS SIZES is unbelievable.
Found you!!


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