Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

gonnabesmall said:

been bad today,my arse hasent touched the floor so all ive eaten is a uncle bens chilli and rice pot 2.5 syns and some pineapple,not good i know ....only now sat down

These things happen. At least it's not bad in a really bad way iykwim ;-)


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here tis ,the 3rd edition....

thursday.....weigh day morrow eeekkk.......green

breakfast - skinny latte at costa and half a muffin,hopefully il have enough syns to cover this this week,havent really used many syns,oh eck

dinner - pasta n sauce ,leek ham and cheese topped with 42g hf cheese

tea - youl never guess......beany chilli n rice,,,,,,uuurrrmmmmm

heax1=skinny lattee at costa
heax2=42g hf cheese

syns = 10 for half a costa cupcake??????
gonnabesmall said:
yeah,i impressed myself,gave the other half to my friend.she had a breakfast paninni and offered me half of that,but i was an angel and said no.wow.if i dont see a loss tomorrow il be annoyed.com

Well done - strength in numbers eh? We can do it !!


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gonnabesmall said:
aarrrggghhhhhhh....ive put on 2lb wtf....thats so not fair.ive been so good this week.the only naughty thing ive had was the chinese on sat and half a muffin yesterday,wish i ate the bloody lot now.

this is never right.i dont deserve a massive gain like this :(

Morning Leanne
Just seen your post, and you are right - you don't . But it happens to us all- and I never know why. But what I do know is that it never pays to chuck it all away - so continue to be good with us , and I'm sure next week the scales will be kinder to u


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thanks girls,i just had some toast ,proper bread and im out tonight but having steak,really fancy fish and chips but i must resist,oh and im off to the cinema tomorrow with my little clan to watch arthur christmas.....god its gonna push my limits

no way did i expect a gain,especially such a big one,perhaps it was because i didnt eat hardly any syns this week
aarrrggghhhhhhh....ive put on 2lb wtf....thats so not fair.ive been so good this week.the only naughty thing ive had was the chinese on sat and half a muffin yesterday,wish i ate the bloody lot now.

this is never right.i dont deserve a massive gain like this :(

Oh Chick! Not you as well!!! We are all being really tested this week ... grrrr!

I'm going to say the same to you as I did to Deb - it's got to be not enough syns :( Sounds ridiculous but I don't think you are eating enough so your body is just hanging on to everything you've got!

Here we go again then hun ... here's to a better week xx